Thank you

We thank you for purchasing a homoSAPIEN. In order to ensure proper operation of your new companion we have included this booklet. Please read through it carefully before operating your homoSAPIEN.


homoSAPIENs are dynamically built. Each one is exactly the same when rolled out of the factory but turns into a unique creation over the course of its life. The system works on the concept of interrupting objects. Each interrupting object causes an interrupt to happen within your homoSAPIEN. The experience is interpreted by your new companion and influences their future behavior.


The homoSAPIEN system, as specified in this document, will consist of six basic interrupts each represented by four hexadecimal values. They are listed below in order of precedence from highest to lowest.

Upon receiving an interrupt of greater precedence than the one being currently serviced, the software will:

  1. execute the quick_cleanup() function of the object requesting the original interrupt
  2. put the old object into the $self->{queue} behind any other objects of lower precedence.
  3. undertake to service the requesting object

Upon receiving an interrupt of lower precedence than the one currently being serviced or being undertaken to service, the software shall put the requesting object into $self->{queue} at a position according to it's precedence.

Recommended interrupting objects

To ensure the lifetime of your homoSAPIEN, you should make sure it is using one of our recommended interrupting objects whenever it has to service an interrupt. They are listed below beside each hexadecimal interrupt identifier:

  • 0xcaca: standard porcelain based solid/liquid waste encapsulation and disposal units (WEADUs) using water as transport agent are fine as are commodity material filled absorbtion areas. (Though for the proper development of the psychology of your homoSAPIEN, ensure that it has proper privacy when servicing this interrupt. Influence on behavior without proper privacy is undefined.)
  • 0xf00c: homoSAPIEN or traditional human objects are fine for this type of interrupt, however please make sure that inanimate objects are not used on your new companion as they may damage sensitive parts of homoSAPIEN's construction.
  • 0x9eee: see 0xcaca
  • 0xf00d: your new companion's digestive systems have been designed from the ground up to accomodate most forms of human food. In addition your new companion can digest and extract nutrients from motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, little kids, foilage and most forms of solid by-product produced by mammals. (Regular use of this latter feature is not recommended.)
  • 0x0000: there are no external requirements for this interrupt. All requirement are met internally by every homoSAPIEN in good working order.
  • 0xd0d0: the objects of this interrupt vary with each homoSAPIEN. Trying out different things and seeing which one yours likes most is the best way to service 0xd0d0.

Again, we thank you for your support and hope you enjoy your new companion.

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