Indeed, the fact that it's free makes it better in my estimation. I've always found that getting something for free increases it's value beyond the mundane 'normal' objects/foods/trips/what-have-you. Even if something would normally be completely valueless, it can be clean, wholesome fun if it's free.

Point: In an economics class, you'll notice that as the price of something goes down, demand for it increases. This is a supporting argument, as, you shouldn't really need 86 bottles of mustard in your refrigerator, but if you can get them for free, you might end up like good ol' Rab. We had a value shopper for an economics teacher, and he extolled the virtues of 'extreme' coupon shopping to us daily. He also lamented over the amount of kitchen space that he used up with all the free rice and mustard that he was getting. But he certainly seemed to think that all that free stuff was cool, and I concur in the most blatant way.

Example: I received a free yo-yo from when I ordered some RAM in the mail. The yo-yo was a piece of crap. It didn't spin right, it wouldn't sleep, but it was so cool to have gotten for free. It was so cool, in fact, that I dropped my $70 RAM on the ground twice while playing with my $0 yo-yo on the walk back to my dorm. To think, I could've broken that thing. Then what would I have done? Where were my priorities? I don't know, I was too busy playing with my free stuff.

This has been a nodeshell commando action.

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