American author born in
Newport News, Virginia in 1925.
William Styron is best known for his novels Lie Down In Darkness, The Confessions of Nat Turner, and Sophie's Choice. The Confessions of Nat Turner won him the Pulitzer Prize in 1968. He has also written numerous articles, essays, and reviews for magazines such as Harper's, The Paris Review, and Esquire.
A biography, William Styron, A Life by James L.W. West III was published in 1998.
Lie Down in Darkness (1951)
The Long March (1953)
Set this House on Fire (1960)
The Confessions of Nat Turner (1967)
In the Clap Shack (1973)
Sophie's Choice (1976)
This Quiet Dust and Other Writings (1982)
Darkness Visible, A Memoir of Madness (1990)
A Tidewater Morning, Three Tales from Youth (1993)