Everything2 is a collection of user-submitted writings about more or less everything. Spend some time looking around and reading, or learn how to contribute.

Cream of the Cool


In the movie “The Postman Always Rings Twice”, Lana Turner stands with her hands on her hips and snarls at John Garfield: I used to think the reason I fell for you was because you were smart. Now I find out that you are smart, she says. It’s a really great line in a really great film. I mention it here apropos of nothing. Or everything maybe. I get those two mixed up all the time.


"Everything is

Why I've stopped saying "Sorry", and why I've stopped reading the news.

To begin with, I'm sending out love to The Custodian this morning, and realising how ineffecive the English language is at expressing sorrow for someone else's loss. "Sorry to hear that" sounds hollow. Instead I shall switch to the German es tut meir leid, which to me, more accurately expresses the real depth of my feelings. We really lack an English word or expression

I've been having a lot of nightmares lately. Not just the waking nightmare of watching the conspiracy theorists slowing taking over the public political discourse, but actual nightmare dreams. The worst involved me rescuing Tessie, who'd been kidnapped and taken to New York City's Chinatown with a ridiculous and scary Big Trouble in Little China plot. Other events included me being sexually assaulted and having to to kill one of my torturers (a scene reminiscent of

A few weeks ago, I noticed a story somewhere saying that Lancaster, New Hampshire would be within the zone of totality of the upcoming solar eclipse.

I was not up on my astronomical calendar and didn't know there was an upcoming eclipse. But Lancaster being a 2-3 hour drive from my house, I figured I shouldn't pass up the opportunity to see it.

Over the years, I've heard people exclaim about the amazing effect on their lives they felt when they saw a total eclipse. I've