Visualizing the Fourth Dimension:

In order to visualize the 4th dimension one must start at the beginning, the 0th dimension. The 0th dimension can be visualized as a single point in 3 dimensional space.


Then take this point in stack it upon itself infinitely many times. This creates a 1 dimensional space, a line.


This like can then be taken and stacked upon itself infinitely many times. This creates a 2 dimensional space, a plane.


This plane can then be taken and stacked upon itself infinitely many times. This creates a 3 dimensional space, a cube.

|\   \
| \___\
\ |   |

This is where you need to start to use your imagination. So now that we have built the 3rd dimension we are very close to the forth, all that needs to be done is to take the cube and stack upon itself infinitely many times.

But this presents us with a problem. How do we represent a 4 dimensional object in a 3 dimensional world? To do this I suggest that instead of stacking the cubes we place infinitely many cubes at the same spot and always have the new cube bigger than the previous cube. This creates an infinite space that is filled with infinite spaces.

Visualizing the Fourth Dimension with Respect to Time:

So many people like to claim that the fourth dimension can be seen as time, I agree with this standpoint but feel it is misleading, in order to visualize time as the 4th dimension we must start at the beginning.

Imagine the 0th dimension as a point moving across a plane in a straight line. This is the 0th dimension moving through time. Now if time is taken as the next dimension, the 1st dimension, then the point moving through time can be represented as a line. This line represents 1 dimensional space or 0 dimensional space moving through time.

The same concept can be used to construct 2nd and 3rd dimensional spaces.

Now if this concept is then applied to a cube moving through 3 dimensional space it can be seen as a long line of cubes. These cubes can then be taken and pressed together until all that exists is a single cube filled with an infinite number of cubes. Which turns out to be the same space created earlier.

If you find this topic interesting I suggest you check out the book Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott.

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