Strictly better blooms,
Petals of advantage waltz,
Power creep upgrades.

Strictly Better, adjective phrase.

  1. Definition: Possessing unequivocal superiority or advantage in all discernible aspects, without exception or compromise. However, outlier scenarios may be ignored under most circumstances.
    R&D defines “strictly better” as being better in all normal cases. Rosewater.
  2. Usage: Applied to denote a clear and unambiguous improvement or superiority in comparison to an alternative or predecessor. Implies an unassailable and comprehensive advancement in quality, performance, and/or attributes.

  3. Textbook Example: In the realm of technological innovation, the latest model of the personal computer is deemed strictly better than its predecessor, exhibiting enhanced processing speed, expanded storage capacity, and superior graphics capabilities. See also: planned obsolescence.

  4. Etymology: Derives from the juxtaposition of "strictly," denoting a stringent and unyielding adherence to a standard, and "better," indicating a higher level of excellence or desirability.

  5. Synonyms: Unquestionably superior, markedly improved, decisively more advantageous, unambiguously superior, categorically preferable.

  6. Antonyms: Inferior, subpar, comparatively deficient, notably lacking, demonstrably inferior, strictly worse.


Is an Island strictly better than a Mountain?

The answer to this question is subjective and depends on the context. Both islands and mountains have their own unique features and benefits. Islands are surrounded by water and can offer a variety of aquatic activities such as swimming, surfing, and fishing. They can also provide a serene and peaceful environment for relaxation. Mountains, on the other hand, offer scenic views, hiking trails, and skiing opportunities. They can also be a great place to escape the heat during the summer months.

It’s also important to note that the concept of “strictly better” is not applicable here. The value of an island or a mountain depends on individual preferences and needs. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide which one is better based on your personal interests and requirements.

iron noder

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