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Please excuse the rather dodgy ASCII art, the characters couldn't quite align perfectly.


The Moomin house is a circular, blue-painted, wooden building in which the Moomins reside.

According to the Moomintroll books by Tove Jansson, the Moomin House was originally built by Moominpappa in a place far away from Moomin Valley. However, one day there was a great flood and the Moomin house was swept away on the waves and washed into the Moomin Valley, where it came to rest once the flood subsided.

The mechanics of this transportation are quite odd, since the Moomin House seems to have a basement, implying some sort of foundations that should have prevented the house ever floating away. Through suspension of disbelief, though, we are required to pretend that Moominpappa had never heard of foundations or any kind of fundemental principles of architecture when taking it upon himself to build said house.

This is somewhat of a challenge since, despite his clear lack of construction knowledge or experience, we are told that he has somehow single handedly built a perfectly round structure, several stories in height.

Mind you, in a land of Grokes and Hattifatteners this isn't the largest strain that is put on our imaginative capabilities.


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