King of Troy and father of Priam. He was known for his treachery and untrustworthiness. He wanted to build walls around his city and asked Apollo and Poseidon to aid him, promising them wonderful rewards. The two gods (who were then banished from Olympus for a year after disobeying Zeus) agreed and built the most beautiful and strong walls the world has ever seen. But as they came to get their rewards Laomedon drove them away with insults, denying that he promised them anything. When the two gods returned to Olympus they took vengeance upon Laomedon: Apollo sent plagues throughout the country, and Poseidon sent a horrible sea-monster. Laomedon asked the Oracle at Delphi for an advice on how to rid himself of the monster, and the reply was that the king was to sacrifice his daughter, Hesione, to the Beast. Without hesitation Laomedon ordered his daughter chained to a rock by the sea for the monster.

Heracles was in the area, and Laomedon promised him the pair of matchless immortal horses that Zeus had given to his grandfather Tros as compensation for Ganymedes. Heracles fought and killed the monster, but Laomedon refused to give him his promised reward.

In his anger, Heracles and his friend Telamon attacked Troy killing the king and all his sons save Priam, who was ransomed by Hesione for a magnificent golden veil embroidered by herself.

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