Just an update on the witchiepoo situation I posted about yesterday - the initial goal has been reached, unbelievably quickly, so she is out of immediate financial danger, i.e., will not be evicted. (Oh, and the widget is having issues and not showing the correct amount raised in some browsers... to date we've reached about $1200.)

A huge percentage of the donations have come from e2 folk, for which I am tremendously grateful, but not surprised; I had faith that you guys would step up. Sarah is beside herself with gratitude. I don't think she would mind my telling you that she cried pretty much all day yesterday, while the internet, from friends to total strangers, saved her from losing her house.

She's starting a new job soon, and is very close to being back on her feet. I'm going to leave the chipin active for a while, (http://sarahnotgettingevicted.chipin.com) because of course rent is not her only financial worry, and things are still tight. If you feel like donating even $1, that will still be useful and deeply appreciated.

Again, thank you so much, to everyone who has contributed, shared the link, or just given a damn. Kindness is a currency too, and neither I nor Sarah take it for granted. I'm overwhelmed by the sweet messages that have been sent to me during this whole endeavor, and I cannot imagine how it's been for her.

I haven't been around e2 much in the past few years, but it will always be beloved to me, and this is why.

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