Dehtklok is a band that, much like GWAR and Spinal Tap, has been gaining notice as a sort of comedy rock band. Created by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha, Dethklok orinated as a fictious band for the Adult Swim animated series Metalocalypse. Performed by Nathan Explosion, Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Pickles, William Murderface, and Toki Wartooth, Dethklok gained a great following for their melodious death metal with such songs as Murmaider and Thunderhorse.

Fictional Members

Nathan Explosion, lead vocalist
Skwisgaar Skwigelf, lead guitarist
Pickles, drummer
William Murderface, bassist
Toki Wartooth, rhythm guitarist and keyboardist

Actual Members

Studio members

Brendon Small – vocals, guitar, electric bass, keyboards
Gene Hoglan – drums

Live members

Brendon Small – vocals, guitar
Gene Hoglan – drums
Mike Keneally – guitar, backing vocals
Bryan Beller – bass, backing vocals

Tour History

In 2007, Small along with band mates Gene Hoglan, Mike Keneally, and Bryan Beller started touring college campuses across the U.S. with ....And You Will Know Us by the Trail of the Dead. The band played songs featured on their animated series along with music videos of the animated characters in the background.

In 2008 Dethklok once again toured the country this time along side Chimaira and Soilent Green. This time with a much wider range of venues, but during a performance in San Francisco by Soilent Green, an electrical fire broke out and the club was shutdown with the show being rescheduled to the following Monday.

A third tour was also scheduled to begin in October of 2009. This time Dethklok would be touring with Mastodon, Converge and High on Fire.


Dethklok currently has two albums out of production, Deth Album I & II.

Deth Album

1. "Murmaider" - 3:24
2. "Go into the Water" - 4:20
3. "Awaken" - 3:37
4. "Bloodrocuted" - 2:19
5. "Go Forth and Die" - 4:22
6. "Fansong" - 2:53
7. "Better Metal Snake" - 3:27
8. "The Lost Vikings" - 4:26
9. "Thunderhorse" - 2:46
10. "Briefcase Full of Guts" - 2:44
11. "Birthday Dethday" - 2:48
12. "Hatredcopter" - 2:56
13. "Castratikron" - 2:57
14. "Face Fisted" - 4:17
15. "Dethharmonic" - 4:31
16. "Deththeme" - 0:36

Deluxe edition bonus disc

1. "Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle" - 1:15
2. "Blood Ocean" - 2:50
3. "Murdertrain a Comin'" - 3:33
4. "Pickles Intro" - 0:34
5. "Kill You" - 3:41
6. "Hatredy" - 4:17
7. "Dethklok Gets in Tune" - 3:27

Deth Album II

1. "Bloodlines"- 3:30
2. "The Gears"- 4:21
3. "Burn the Earth"- 3:59
4. "Laser Cannon Deth Sentence"- 4:35
5. "Black Fire Upon Us"- 5:40
6. "Dethsupport"- 2:42
7. "The Cyborg Slayers"- 4:16
8. "I Tamper with the Evidence at the Murder Site of Odin"- 4:30
9. "Murmaider II: The Water God" - 5:43
10. "Comet Song"- 3:48
11. "Symmetry"- 4:31
12. "Volcano"- 4:18

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