aka International Angel Awards

The Angel Awards are annual awards given under the sponsorship of Excellence in Media, which in turn is a California-based 501(c)3 organization which promotes quality family oriented programming in all facets of media. This includes film (both theatrical and tv), radio, recording, print, stage, and other media.

The awards are given under two categories, the Gold Angel Award and the Silver Angel Award. The Gold Angel is given to works/individuals of vision and quality which promote child and family-friendly values. The works nominated share in these qualities: each eschews the needless exploitation of sexual content, profanity, and violence to promote their works.

The Silver Angel Award is presented to works/individuals that share the same goals as the Gold Angel but with the addition of being multi-national in origin. Works are judged on their own merit, making it possible for independent productions to compete on an equal footing with large studio submissions.

The works to be considered for award are nominated by submitting the work along with a completed submission form and an entry fee. The work to be judged must be released during the calendar year prior to the annual award; the 2008 Angel Award will be for works released January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007.

The Angel Awards were the creation of Mary Dorr and novelist Gordon Gordon. The awards have a history spanning 30 years. Winners include many names familiar to the public. Some past winners are in the following list:



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