Return to Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter (thing)

This quote comes from [The Simpsons] episode 4F10 "[Mountain of Madness]".

[Homer Simpson|Homer] is telling the family that [Montgomery Burn|Mr Burns] has decided that the nuclear power plant is going to have a corporate retreat to improve teamwork around the plant (after an [abysmal] [fire drill] where it took over 15 minutes to [evacuate] instead of the required 45 seconds).

The full scene is:

Homer: So, Mr. Burns is gonna make us all go on a stupid corporate retreat up in the mountains to learn about teamwork. Which means we'll have to cancel our plans to hang around here.
[Bart Simpson|Bart]: Teamwork is overrated.
Homer: Huh?
Bart: Think about it. I mean, what team was [Babe Ruth] on? Who knows.
[Lisa Simpson|Lisa] and [Marge Simpson|Marge]: Yankees.
Bart: [Sharing] is a bunch of bull, too. And [helping others]. And what's all this [crap] I've been hearing about [tolerance]?
Homer: Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

This [quote] can been used as an [softlink] in E2 to put across a point about the node. It can either be an [insulting softlinks|insulting softlink] where someone puts forth a concept or idea about anything by writing about it. Invariably someone will want to humour this person so links to [Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter].

On the [flip side] is the fact it can be used a [flattering softlink] to show you completely agree with the concept the person has put forth.
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