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decade ago I submitted to the famed
Oxford English Dictionary the word, "
Pandeism," with about a half-dozen references to writings using the word throughout history. The submission was rejected, deemed to not have enough documentation supporting that the word is -- well, a word.
And so I
waited for ten years,
curating additional uses. And this afternoon, I sent to the good old OED the following:
This regards the family of words around the
pandeism, with descendants pandeist, pandeists, pandeistic, pandeistical, and pandeistically, also including hyphenated forms of each (e.g., pan-deism), in theophilosophical discourse. The word may be defined as:
(ˈpændiːɪz(ə)m) [mod. f.
Gr. παν- all + f.
L. de-us god + -ism.]
combination of
pantheism and
deism; and particularly the belief that the
creator of the
universe created the universe by wholly becoming the universe, ceasing to exist as a separate
The earliest use found thus far of any term falling within this family occurs in 1787, in
1787 Gottfried Große Naturgeschichte: mit erläuternden Anmerkungen 323/165. Beym Plinius, den man, wo nicht Spinozisten, doch einen Pandeisten nennen konnte, ist Natur oder Gott kein von der Welt getrenntes oder abgesondertes Wesen. Seine Natur ist die ganze Schöpfung im Konkreto, und eben so scheint es mit seiner Gottheit beschaffen zu seyn. {English translation: In
Pliny, whom one could call, if not a Spinozist, but perhaps a Pandeist,
Nature is not a being divided off or separated from the world. His nature is the whole of creation, in concrete, and the same appears to be true also of his divinity.}
A cluster of uses is found beginning in the 1830s, one in English and three in
1834, Filippo Nannetti di Bibulano, in Giovanni Silvestri Sermons and Panegyrics of the Father Filippo Nani of Lojana, p. 286, Sermon XVIII: Miracles. A te, fatal Pandeista! le leggi della creata natura son contingenti e mutabili; non altro essendo in sostanza che moti e sviluppi di forze motrici. {English translation: To you, fatal Pandeist! the laws that create
nature are contingent and mutable, not another being in substance with forces driven by motions and developments.}
1838, author unknown, Il legato di un vecchio ai giovani della sua patria (The Legacy of an Old Man to the Young People of his Country). La robusta immaginazione gli fe ravvisare gli effetti come causa, quindi deificando i fenomeni naturali divenne un Pandeista, un istitutore della Mitologia, un sacerdote, un Augure. {English translation: His robust
imagination recognized the effects as a cause, then deifying natural phenomena, he became a Pandeist, an instructor of
Mythology, a
priest, an
1838, Luigi Ferrarese, Memorie risguardanti la dottrina frenologica 164/16. ...profana i misteri, dichiarandoli in parte vacui di senso, ed in parte riducendoli a volgari allusioni, ed a prette metafore; costringe, come faceva osservare un dotto Critico, la rivelazione a cambiare il suo posto con quello del pensiero istintivo e dell' affermazione senza riflessione e colloca la ragione fuori della persona dell'uomo dichiarandolo un frammento di Dio, una spezie di pandeismo spirituale introducendo, assurdo per noi, ed al Supremo Ente ingiurioso, il quale reca onda grave alla libertà del medesimo, ec, ec. {English translation: ...he profanes the mysteries, declaring them partly devoid of meaning, and partly reducing them to vulgar allusions and pure metaphors; forces, as a learned Critic noted, the revelation to swap places with instinctive thought and assertion without reflection without and places reason outside man, declaring man a fragment of God, introducing a sort of spiritual pandeism, which is absurd to us and insulting to the Supreme Being, which gravely offends freedom itself, etc, etc.}
A parallel or related coinage as seen in 1838, in English:
1838, Godfrey Higgins, Anacalypsis: An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis: Or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions. p. 439. ISBN 1-56459-273-1. I am induced to think that this Pandeism was a doctrine, which had been received both by Buddhists and Brahmins.
The author's writings suggest access to previous coinage, and of the root terms from which other coinages appear to derive. Other examples (with meaning becoming more explicit as we move towards present day) include:
1896, Gustavo Uzielli, Ricerche intorno a Leonardo da Vinci ("Research into Leonardo da Vinci"), p. xxxv. Certo è che quel concetto forma una delle basi morali fondamentali di religiosi i cui segnaci sono oltre i due terzi della popolazione del globo, mentre è influenzato dall'indole speciale di ciascuna di esse, cioè da un idealismo sovrumano nel Cristianesimo, da un nichilismo antiumano nel buddismo, e da un pandeismo eclettico nell'incipiente ma progrediente Bramoismo indiano; e a queste credenze che ammettono il principio ideale della fratellanza universale, conviene aggiungere il naturalismo estetico scientifico greco-romano e moderno che inspira, in modo sostanziale, tutto l'insegnamento pubblico Europeo, e contro il quale protestarono sempre e molto logicamente gli ortodossi cristiani, da Paolo II papa a Giuseppe di Maistre. {English translation: It is certain that this concept forms a fundamental moral bases of religious whose cable markers are more than two-thirds of the world's population, while special influence on the capacities of each of them, by a superhuman idealism in Christianity, a nihilism antihuman in Buddhism, and an incipient but eclectic pandeism progressing in Bramanist Indian beliefs; and those who admit the principle ideal of universal brotherhood, it is worthwhile scientific naturalism aesthetic greek-roman and modern inhales, substantially, all the teaching European audience, and against which they protested always very logically and the Orthodox Christians, Pope Paul II to Joseph Maistre}.
1897, Rev. Henry Grattan Guinness, "Missionary Review", in John Harvey Kellogg's International Health and Temperance Association, The Medical Missionary, 1897, p. 126. To her, God is everything, and everything is God, and, therefore, everything may be adored. ... Her pan-deism is a pandemonium.
1898, J. St. J. Higgins, "Deistical Platitude Vamping and "Providence," The Freethinker, 17 July 1898, 461/832. A thing of shreds and patches,/Of legends, tales, and snatches; and for the cognate deistical or pan-deistical emanations of such quasi-theologians as (to take a contemporaneous example) your correspondent.
1906, Charles Norman Myers, "Man of Sorrows," Chattanooga Daily Times, September 24, 1906, p. 5. The man who in exultant faith said "I and the Father are one" was a Pandeist, a believer in the identification of the universe and all things contained therein with Deity.
1915, Louis S. Hardin, Sheffield Scientific School "The Chimerical Application of Machiavelli's Principles," p. 463. We hear men prophecy that this war means the death of Christianity and an era of Pandeism or perhaps even the destruction of all which we call modern civilization and culture.
1941, Charles Hartshorne, Man's Vision of God and the Logic of Theism 360/348. Just as AR is the whole positive content of perfection, so CW, or the conception of the Creator-and-the-Whole-of-what-he-has-created as constituting one life, the super-whole which in its everlasting essence is uncreated (and does not necessitate just the parts which the whole has) but in its de facto concreteness is created - this panentheistic doctrine contains all of deism and pandeism except their arbitrary negations.
1963, Charles Anselm Bolton, "Beyond the Ecumenical: Pan-deism?" Christianity Today, 1963, p. 21. I first came upon this extension of ecumenism into pan-deism among some Roman Catholic scholars interested primarily in the “reunion of the churches”...
1964, Belle Privette, "New Ideologies Sweeping Campus," The Daily Tar Heel, November 17, 1964, p. 2. Vaguely related to Pantheism (or perhaps Pandeism), its proponents have been heard to assert that Jello is the basic substance of the Universe.
1967, Francis E. Peters, Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon 234/169. What appeared here, at the center of the Pythagorean tradition in philosophy, is another view of psyche that seems to owe little or nothing to the pan-vitalism or pan-deism (see theion) that is the legacy of the Milesians.
1971, Rousas John Rushdoony, The One and the Many: Studies in the Philosophy of Order and Ultimacy (1971
2007), Ch. VIII-7, p. 142. The position of
Pope Paul came close to being a pan-Deism, and pan-Deism is the logical development of the virus of Hellenic thought.
1974, Bert Beverly Beach, Ecumenism: Boon Or Bane? (1974), p. 259 (quoting George H. Williams, Dimensions of Roman Catholic Ecumenism (1965), p. 31-32). It was felt that ecumenism was being contaminated by “pan-Deist” and syncretistic tendencies.
1989, Liam Rector, The Day I Was Older: On the Poetry of Donald Hall 287/69 (reprinted in 1992 Hayden Carruth, Suicides and Jazzers 242/161). Perhaps we can say that the dominant cultural traits of any era are the diseases of the human spirit which must be accepted and transcended by the writers of that era if they are to succeed, eg Whitman's
progressivism and
optimism (with which he wrote the greatest elegy in American literature), Pope's
rationalism and pan-deism (with which he wrote the greatest mock-epic in English literature), and Dante's Thomistic, not to say Gothic
determinism (with which he wrote the greatest humane lyric of all time).
1995, Albuquerque Journal, "Marine's Ballad Honors Soldiers, Trappist Monks" November 11, 1995, B-10. He describes his current spiritual position as pandeism or pan-en-deism, something very close to the Native American concept of the all- pervading Great Spirit.
1997, Bob Burridge, Theology Proper - Lesson 4: The Decrees of God. If God was the proximate cause of every act it would make all events to be "God in motion". That is nothing less than pantheism, or more exactly, pandeism. … The reality of secondary causes is what separates Christian theism from pandeism.
1998, Van Andel, Education Institute K-12 Education: Perspectives on the Future 167/92. Everything is sectarianism with him, except what squares exactly with the notions of Universalists and those who have been absurdly called 'pan deists' and 'theo-philanthropists.
2003, Jon Gee, The Metaphysicians' Desk Reference: Including the Revised Formal System of Metaphysics 528/164 Yet still, should the demigod Pan come to bear, the result will be Pan-deism, the opening of Pandora's Box.
2005, Dan Schneider, Review of
Stranger In A Strange Land (The Uncut Version), by Robert A. Heinlein, Hackwriters.com, https://www.hackwriters.com/strangerH.htm. He honestly believes in his own
free will, which Mike, Jill, and the Fosterites misinterpret as a pandeistic urge, ‘Thou art God!’.
2006, Charles Brough, Untwisting the Social Sciences 260/220. *FREE THINKERS: all people whose beliefs regarding "spirits" are compatible with modern science.
agnosticism and
atheism are compatible, while
theism is not.
Bruce Parry, quoted in Ed Caesar, "Bruce almighty; He really has been there and done that"
Saturday Magazine 11 Aug., 2007. Now, I'd describe myself as pan-deist, reluctantly verging on atheist.
2008, John Lachs, Robert B. Talisse, American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia 847/310. Some pragmatists (such as
William James) took a more pantheist or pandeist approach by rejecting views of God as separate from the world.
2008, Dr. Alan J. Lipman, The Impulsively Unreflective Duo In..."McCain Goes Negative!", Dr. Alan J. Lipman's Head of State: Political and Media Psychology, Saturday, October 04, 2008, http://headofstate.blogspot.com/2008/10/impulsively-unreflective-duo-inmccain.html. He is carrying flyers, masking tape; telephone wires are wrapped around his arms hanging in every way; a tattered copy of the book "Accusations of Fascism, Communism, Terrorism, Drug Use, Pedophilia, Islamism, Adultery, Pandeism, Cannibalism, Cubism, Miscegenation, and Spousal Abuse...for Dummies!" is rolled and stuffed in his left pocket, filled with bookmarks...
2009, Peter C. Rogers, Ultimate Truth, Book 1 212/121. This is the key feature which distinguishes them from panentheists and pandeists. As such, although many religions may claim to hold pantheistic elements, they are more commonly panentheistic or pandeistic in nature. (lines duplicated without reference in 2010 Peter Kien-Hong Yu God Is, by Inference, One Dot: Paradigm Shift 196/110).
2009, Sean F. Johnston, The History of Science: A Beginner's Guide 292/90. In its most abstract form, deism may not attempt to describe the characteristics of such a non-interventionist creator, or even that the universe is identical with God (a variant known as pandeism).
2009, Dewayne A. Pattie, in No King But Caesar & The Return of The Melek Tsedek: A Biblical Study on Faith, Religion, and the Antichrist From the Covenant Perspective, September 29, 2009, p. 45. Just as the Pharisee thought he could come before God and present to Him his good works, the knowledge of good and evil literally became the doorway of pan-deism (that is, many ways to God).
2009, Tristram Hunt, The Frock-coated Communist: The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels 442/44. What Engels took from this was an idea of modern Pantheism (or, rather, Pandeism) which dissolved the pietist ethos of religious alienation and, instead, merged divinity and humanity together. God and reason became one in the unfolding of freedom and progress.
2009, Philip B. Corbett, "Metaphor Trouble", The New York Times, https://afterdeadline.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/09/metaphor-trouble/.
Ex: prenuptial, pandeism, hyperextension, polyamory… These types of words come into the English language by combining a Greek and Latin word to form a new word.
2010, William C. Lane, "Leibniz's Best World Claim Restructured," American Philosophical Journal, January 2010, volume 47, issue 1, p. 76. In pandeism, God is no superintending, heavenly power, capable of hourly intervention into earthly affairs. No longer existing "above," God cannot intervene from above and cannot be blamed for failing to do so. Instead God bears all suffering, whether the fawn's or anyone else's.
2010, Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken, Pandeism: Beliefs, Religious, Universe, Deism, Pantheism, Term (Language), Hierarchy, Philosophy 208/1
2010, Allan R. Fuller, Thought: The Only Reality, p. 79. Pandeism is another belief that states that God is identical to the universe, but God no longer exists in a way where He can be contacted; therefore, this theory can only be proven to exist by reason. Pandeism views the entire universe as being from God and now the universe is the entirety of God, but the universe at some point in time will fold back into one single being which is God Himself that created all. Pandeism raises the question as to why would God create a universe and then abandon it? As this relates to pantheism, it raises the question of how did the universe come about what is its aim and purpose?
2010, Ronald R. Zollinger, Mere Mormonism: Defense of Mormon Theology, p. 6. Pandeism. This is a kind of pantheism that incorporates a form of deism, holding that the universe is identical to God but also that God was previously a conscious and sentient force or entity that designed and created the universe.
2011, David Michael Wylie, Just Stewardship, p. 24. This is very different from pantheism and also very different from deism. Compare panentheism and pantheism, pandeism, panendeism. Read Acts 17:28.
2011, Matthew J. Drury, EDEN², p. 229. Were the revolutionary Pandeist concepts of the Third Testament just a bunch of lies invented by a monster? Could the synergy between deism and pantheism championed by Damarus be truly mythical, as Ammold Paramo had advocated?
2011, Alan H. Dawe, The God Franchise: A Theory of Everything, p. 48. Pandeism: This is the belief that God created the universe, is now one with it, and so, is no longer a separate conscious entity.
2011, Bradley Alan Skaggs, "Topic modeling for Wikipedia link disambiguation," University of Maryland, College Park, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, p. 23. (Images of Light and Shadow from Java's interior) - a four volume treatise written by Dutch naturalist Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, and considered the first formal articulation of Pandeism.
2012, Donald L. Jackson, Religious Lies - Religious Truths: It's Time To Tell The Truth!, p. 175. Charles Hartshorne introduced his process theology in the 1940s, in which he examined, and discarded pantheism, deism and pandeism in favor of panentheism, finding that such a doctrine contains all of deism and pandeism except their arbitrary negative aspects.
2012, Henry Harrison Epps, Jr., End times Organizations, Doctrines and Beliefs, p. 220. The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions ranging from atheism and monotheism through classical pantheism, naturalistic pantheism, pandeism and panentheism to polytheism combined with science and Gaia philosophy; particularly archaeoastronomy, astronomy, ecology, environmentalism, the Gaia hypothesis, psychology, and physics.
2012, Ronny Miron, Karl Jaspers: From Selfhood to Being, p. 249. In his opinion, the fear that pandeism or the tendency to reduce faith into the external means by which it is obtained would eventually lead to the viewing of these means as having purely subjective, and also mutable, validity, was behind the Catholic church's emphasis on the objective truth of the symbols themselves in relation to the individual religious experience.
2013, Al Kresta, Dangers to the Faith: Recognizing Catholicism's 21st Century Opponents, p. 255. “New Age” cosmologies reject materialism, naturalism and physicalism. They are commonly pantheistic or pandeistic.
2013, Theodore Schick and Lewis Vaughnm Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments, 5th Edition, p. 506, § 6.3, "Faith and Meaning: Believing the Unbelievable," §§ “Thought Probe: James and Pandeism.” The view that the universe is not only God but also a person is called "pandeism." Do you agree with James that viewing the universe as a person would help give meaning to your life?
2013, Michael S. Bruner, John Davenport, Jim Norwine, "An Evolving Worldview: Culture-Shift in University Students", in Jim Norwine, editor, A World After Climate Change and Culture-Shift (Springer, 2013), p. 46. For others, this “fullness” is present in more religious-oriented pantheistic or pandeistic belief systems with, in the latter case, the inclusion of God as the ever unfolding expression of a complex universe with an identifiable beginning but no teleological direction necessarily present.
2014, Peter Moore, Valhalla and the Fjord: A Spiritual Motorcycle Journey, p. 19. The site seems to exude some force, as if there is a multitude of souls in everything around you. I don't know if this is the philosophy of Pandeism or Pantheism, but in the tranquility of the moment, I don't care either.
2014, Corey S. Powell, "Defending Giordano Bruno: A Response from the Co-Writer of “Cosmos”," Discover, March 13, 2014. Bruno imagines all planets and stars having souls (part of what he means by them all having the same “composition”), and he uses his cosmology as a tool for advancing an animist or Pandeist theology.
2014, Joseph Heath, Enlightenment 2.0: Restoring Sanity to Our Politics, Our Economy, and Our Lives, p. 193. The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions ranging from atheism and monotheism through classical pantheism, naturalistic pantheism, pandeism and panentheism to polytheism combined with science and Gaia philosophy.
2015, Dr Michael Arnheim, The God Book, p. 72. Straddling as he does deism and pantheism, Einstein could possibly be classified as a believer in pandeism, a label indicating a hybrid blend of pantheism with deism, which was well described by Raphael Lataster in 2013.
2015, Douglas MacGowan, Mother Nature Network, What Is Deism?, May 21, 2015. Over time there have been other schools of thought formed under the umbrella of deism including Christian deism, belief in deistic principles coupled with the moral teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, and Pandeism, a belief that God became the entire universe and no longer exists as a separate being.
2015, Colin Cavendish-Jones, "A Weakness for Arguing with Anybody: G. K. Chesterton and Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hardy Journal, Vol. 31, Autumn 2015, pp. 108-129, 126. He likens Meredith to Walt Whitman, praising both, though Whitman was a sceptic and a pandeist , and the frankness about his sexual inclinations in
Leaves of Grass can scarcely have been congenial to Chesterton, who condemned Oscar Wilde’s
2016, Graham Ward, How the Light Gets In: Ethical Life I, page 313. Attention to Christ and the Spirit delivers us from pantheism, pandeism, and process theology.
2016, Andrew Gregory, Anaximander: A Re-assessment, p. 100. While some construction using pan-, whether it be pantheism, pandeism or pankubernism describes Anaximander reasonably well, there is one further point to address here.
2016, Douglas M. Stokes, "To the Editor", The Journal of Parapsychology; Durham Vol. 80, Iss. 2, (Fall 2016): 265-270. These experiences may be factors (along with philosophical analyses) that led me to my current view that the universe is based in mind rather than matter and to my embrace of mentalistic philosophies such as idealism, panpsychism, pandeism, and panendeism.
2017, Thurman 'Lee' Hester, Jr., "Native American spirituality", in Graham Oppy, N.N. Trakakis, Interreligious Philosophical Dialogues - Volume 3, p. 46. However, something like pan-deism does to some extent capture the nature of God as I experience it.
2017, Sushma Sahajpal, "Hindu Dharma - Living on the Edge of Infinity", in Pandeism: An Anthology, p. 366. "The key thing with all these forms in Hinduism is a teaching found in Pandeism as well, that Divinity is everywhere, in everyone and everything.
2018, Antonin Tuynman, Is Reality a Simulation?, p. 8. This Anthology with contributions from Technoshamans, Physicalist scientists, Pantheists, Pandeists and Panpsychists will rock your mental foundations, haunt your convictions and put you through the epistemological wringer.
2018, Raphael Lataster, The Case Against Theism: Why the Evidence Disproves God’s Existence, p. 198. For the already-discussed considerations, and also when considering the relative robustness of pandeism, and the potential for fewer contradictions with the actual scenario as explained by current evidence, (4) also favours pandeistic god-models.
2019, Helge Kragh, "Max Weinstein: Physics, Philosophy, Pandeism," https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.11299. This is a brief introduction to the life and ideas of the Lithuanian-German physicist, philosopher and religious thinker Max B. Weinstein, who is today best known for his thoughts concerning so-called pandeism.
2019, Michael Newton Keas, Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion, p. 150. He reported that Bruno, in a few of his books, “imagines all planets and stars having souls” and “uses his cosmology as a tool for advancing an animist or Pandeist theology.” Pandeism is a variation of pantheism in which the creator becomes the cosmos.
2019, Hedda Hassel Mørch, "Beyond Physicalism: Philosopher Hedda Hassel Mørch defends the idea that consciousness pervades the cosmos", John Horgan, Scientific American, https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/beyond-physicalism/. There is a religious view I find interesting, which is pandeism: the view that God used to exist, and be the only thing that existed, and then transformed himself into the universe, and so no longer exists.
2019, James B. Glattfelder, Information—Consciousness—Reality: How a New Understanding of the Universe Can Help Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence, p. 534. For instance, in Hinduism, the notion of lila is akin to the concept of pandeism.
2019, Ralph Lewis, "The Varieties of Mystical Experience," Psychology Today, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-purpose/201912/the-varieties-mystical-experience. His own beliefs appear to have been closest to pantheism or pandeism (an amalgam of pantheism and deism).
2019, Wook-Dong Kim, Kazantzakis’s Zorba the Greek: Five Readings, p. 120. Scrutiny of Zorba the Greek reveals, however, that Kazantzakis’s ecological view sometimes goes beyond traditional pantheism (All is God) toward either panentheism (All is in God), first coined by the Austrian philosopher Karl Kraus to explain the kind of pantheism expounded by Baruch Spinoza, or pandeism (God is ubiquitous but does not interfere in the operation of the world), as explored by Moritz Lazarus and Heymann Steinthal.
2020, "Deism", Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Deism/Deists-in-other-countries#ref1042352
Further, such modern variants as “pandeism,” which attempted to unite aspects of Deism with pantheism, held that through the act of creation God became the universe. ... The American logician and process philosopher Charles Hartshorne considered Deism, pandeism, and pantheism as reasonable doctrines of the nature of God; however, he rejected all of these in favour of panentheism, the belief that God is present in the universe while being greater than it.
2020, Joey Kim, "Perspectives of a Wandering Sexual Artist," in Essays From the Universe Experiencing Itself, p. 43. I can resonate with Pandeism, a philosophy which takes a different approach but still hits on certain of the more positive themes claimed by religions, like acting lovingly towards others.
2020, Md. Monirul Islam, Oriental Wells: The Early Romantic Poets and Their Eastern Musebooks, p. 217. It is customary to read Wordsworth's pantheism, which has also been termed as pandeism or panentheism, with reference to Neoplatonism and the philosophy of Spinoza or Karl Krause (1781–1832).
2020, Harold Bloom, Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles: The Power of the Reader's Mind Over a Universe of Death, Yale University Press, p. 373. When he died the laureate declared himself agnostic and pan-deist and at one with the great heretics Giordano Bruno (who was a Hermetist and burned alive by the Church) and Baruch Spinoza (who was excommunicated by the Jews).
2020, Ivan Phillips, Once Upon a Time Lord: The Myths and Stories of Doctor Who, p. 232. A cosmogonic myth, almost pandeistic in its implications, this posits a life form that is arguably one of the most conceptually interesting and imaginative in the show's history.
2020, Michael P. Remler, The Mechanisms, Metaphysics, and History of Consciousness in the World, p. 50. The real significance of the symbiosis becomes evident if one considers the radical pan-psych position that every piece of matter has a “psych” property or pan-deist position that some “Consciousness” interacts with all matter.
2020, Max B. Weinstein, World and Life Views, Emerging From Religion, Philosophy and Perception of Nature, Deborah Moss, trans., p. 121. It is thus incorrect to equate the conceptions of the Chinese with those of primitive peoples; they really belong much more to Pandeism than to Pananimism – to a dualistic form of it, to be precise.
2020, Angela Volkov, "Artificial Intelligence: A Vengeful or Benevolent God?", Medium, (October 14, 2020), https://medium.com/predict/artificial-intelligence-a-vengeful-or-benevolent-god-555d8b7b7d33. The best we can hope for is that AI allows us to merge with it, giving rise to a Pandeism of sorts, wherein creator and creation meld into one.
2021, Sherman O'Brien, The Lonely Mind of God, p. 121. The result of combining pantheism with deism is pandeism, where a universe emerges, less as a result of creation than as God choosing to embody or become it.
2021, Sal Restivo, Society and the Death of God, p. 123. In the pandeism argument, an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God creates the universe and in the process becomes the universe and loses his powers to intervene in human affairs.
Since sending that on, I've compiled even more, some new, some not quite so new but newly found....
Paul Zarzyski, ''51: 30 poems, 20 lyrics, 1 self-interview'' (2011), p. 243-244. Agnosticism, however, doesn’t define my stance, which, if pressed, I’d say is a cross between pantheism and deism—Pandeism.
Randolph M. Howes, ''That Proof of God Thingy: A Novel'' (2012), p. 78. This argument was expounded upon by Scott Adams in the book,
God's Debris, which put forth a form of Pandeism as its fundamental theological model.
Andy Ross, ''Philosopher: A Memoir'' (2012), p. 445: More properly, my panpsychism has its ideological correlate in pandeism, not pantheism.
Joseph Heath, ''Enlightenment 2.0: Restoring Sanity to Our Politics, Our Economy, and Our Lives'' (2014), p. 193: New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions ranging from atheism and monotheism through classical pantheism, naturalistic pantheism, pandeism and panentheism to polytheism combined with science and Gaia philosophy.
Jea Sophia Oh, Marilynn Lawrence, ''Nature's Transcendence and Immanence: A Comparative Interdisciplinary Ecstatic Naturalism'' (2017), p. 156. Hartshorne prefers to use the term “transcendental deism” in opposition to pantheism (or what he calls “pandeism”).
Leigh Weber, ''Western Political Thought'' (ED-Tech Press, 2021), p. 37, ISBN-10 : 1788824156. In Refutation of All Heresies Hippolytus says: “What the blasphemous folly is of Noetus, and that he devoted himself to the tenets of Heraclitus the Obscure, not to those of Christ.” Hippolytus then goes on to present the inscrutable DK B67: “God (theos) is day and night, winter and summer, but he takes various shapes, just as fire, when it is mingled with spices, is named according to the savor of each.” The fragment seems to support pantheism if taken literally. German physicist and philosopher Max Bernard Weinstein classed these views with pandeism.
Justin Beaumont, ''The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity'' (Routledge 2018), p. 83, ISBN-10 : 0367732645. I refer here to monodeism as the default standard concept of deism, distinct from polydeism, pandeism, and spiritual deism.
Lisa Case, Between the Sabbats: The Magick and Mystery of the Interpora (2019), p. 50. The last but not least view is Pandeism, which maintains that God or the Creator became the universe and all that we know and hence, does not interfere or interact with us or the universe, save to simply be a silent part of it.
Steve Madison, Logos: Logical Religion Unleashed (2020), p. 69. We welcome atheists, heretics, blasphemers, unbelievers, apostates, deists, pandeists, pantheists, panentheists, freethinkers, panpsychists, metaphysicians – anyone who is interested in answering the deep questions of existence with recourse to a priori reason and logic alone.
Cometan, The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism (2021), p. 581. Pandeistic divinology: a divinological position postulating that The Divine created The Universe, but then subsumed into The Universe, after which it ceased to exist as a distinct entity; pandeism is presently seeing some support among early Astroists.
Henry Arnold Davis, Gambling With Your Soul: What Is Your Best Bet? (2021), p. 106. The beliefs of individual Unitarian Universalists range widely, including atheism, agnosticism, pantheism, panentheism, pandeism, deism, humanism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Taoism, syncretism, Omnism, Neopaganism and the teachings of the Bahá'í Faith.
Rakesh Anand, Is God in Coma? (2021), p. 13. Anyways, I don't want to waste my time here in writing about of the gender, nature, color, number or different conceptions about Gods, such as: Dystheism, Henotheism, Monotheism, Pandeism, Pantheism, Polytheism, and so on.
Brent Price, D.Min., Be Prepared Evangelism: The Personal Evangelism Game Changer (2022), p. 137:
A very contemporary deceptive religious concept that targets uninformed and unsaved people is a type of religious belief called Pandeism.
Tariq Goddard, The Repeater Book of Heroism (2022),
p. 25: But Bruno was not quite an atheist or pantheist. He most likely followed an apophatic creed (
via negativa), making him more of a pandeist.
Ross Thompson, Ten Ways to Weave the World: Matter, Mind, and God, Volume 2: Embodying Mind (2023),
p. 30: As its name implies, pandeism is seen as a middle path between pantheism and deism.
Guillermo Kerber, “Panentheism in Christian Ecotheology,” in Luca Valera, ed., Pantheism and Ecology: Cosmological, Philosophical, and Theological Perspectives (2023), p. 219-220: His doctrine has been later labeled as “pandeism” or even “pantheism” and criticized because he didn’t acknowledge the ontological difference between God and creation.
Daniel Cardó and Uwe Michael Lang, ''The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Ratzinger'', (2023), p. 266: Against Bruno, Ratzinger is critical of what other commentators have described as his pandeism.
PGB Galleries, Rare Books & Manuscripts: A PBA Platinum Auction, 2024 (2024), p. 34: Exceptional copy of the author's masterwork, articulating his thesis that there was once a universal religion (which he terms "Pandeism") which morphed into the major world religions, including the Abrahamic faiths and Hinduism and Buddhism.
Travis Dumsday, ''Alternative Conceptions of the Spiritual'' (2024), ASIN: B0D6NPK7F4, p. 98: Likewise, that feature distinguishes panspiritism from pandeism, since, according to the latter, the physical cosmos emerges (by a process of becoming) out of an ontologically prior divine conscious subject. On pandeism, God became the universe at the big bang, and the resultant cosmos may (depending on the version of pandeism on offer) inherit some or all of His divine characteristics.
Martin D. Johnson, ''The Atheist's Survival Guide'' (2024), ISBN: 979-8-218-48431-6, p. 89: Instead of embracing traditional concepts of a humanlike deity involved in the creation and moral governance of the universe, they often perceive divinity as an embodiment of universal laws, a perspective that veers toward pantheism or pandeism rather than classical deism.
Kaziwa Salih, ''Genocide Culture: Cultural Habitus, Ethnic Engineering and Religious Doxa'' (Routledge, 2024), ISBN: 978-1032312583, p. 139: This means that the modern version of deism is pan-deism, a combination of both pantheism (the universe as a manifestation of God) and deism.