Creationist pamphlet written by Rev. B.H Shadduck, originally published in March 1924. One of many anti-evolution brochures published by Shadduck around this time. "Jocko-Homo" is an archaic term for "Monkey-man". The cover features an illustration based on a now-lost sculpture called Chrysalis by Carl Akeley. The statue depicting a human man emerging from an an ape, had caused great controversy after it was purchased by and displayed at a Unitarian church, outraging many evangelicals.
That and Scopes Monkey Trial fueled the publication of this and other tracts, and just the general fear that Darwin's theory would replace the teaching of creationism.
Shadduck continued publishing this and many of hos other tracts right up till his death in 1950.
In the the 1970s, a band from Ohio called
Devo would use the tract as a title for their song "
Jocko Homo" (
Are We Not Men?).