user since
Thu Jan 2 2003 at 12:11:49 (21.5 years ago )
last seen
Mon May 31 2004 at 11:23:51 (20 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
To Learn
Latrobe University, Melbourne
It aint easy being green
most recent writeup
Sonia's story (thing)
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I like to be cheeky. This is often mistaken for a sarcastically smart mouth.

I love to make friends. I get along better with guys though, and this is often mistaken for flirtiness.

I am in love with a fuzzy red haired man. We are not judged by our ages, and have everybody's support now, though not at first.

Blue is my favourite colour, combine it with green and that is my eye colour.

I love food. Lollies, cheesesticks, Cheeseburgers, Lasagne, Chocolate, Bread & Butter, Light Philadelphia, Bolognese, Samosa, Indian Curries, Japanese Banquets, Taco Bills, Scrambled Eggs, and anything that is cooked for me, not by me will suit me fine. Anything that does not have Coriander or Ginger to it's tastes. Yuck!

I like Champagne- or "sparkling wine" the French claim to champagne, but I think we can claim "Bubbly Plonk" darlinks.

I am 19 years of age. Still so young, with the world at my feet, I want to be a teacher, I want to be a mum, and I want to be happy, and free spirited, and never have that taken away from me.