In many ways, the Norwegian language is very different from
most other languages; Although Norway only has 4.5 million inhabitants, it
- Two different, official written languages
- Hundreds of (more or less) clearly distinct dialects
Characteristics of Norwegian
Norwegian as a language has a few quite distinct typicalities:
Lack of definite article
The Norwegian language (well, actually; the nordic languages, i.e Swedish,
Danish and Icelandic as well) completely lacks a definite article:
E: a chair - the chair
N: en stol - stolen
E: a house - the house
N: et hus - huset
E: a doll - the doll
N: ei dokke - dokka
Words have genders
If you look at the examples above, you notice that there are variations in
the endings of the words. This is because there are three genders that a word
can have (And you thought French was bad :), namely Male, Female and
Neuter (non-gender-specific) words.
This means that nouns conjugate like this:
E: a house - the house - houses - the houses
N: et hus - huset - hus - husene (neuter)
E: a knife - the knife - knives - the knives
N: en kniv - kniven - kniver - knivene (male)
E: a girl - the girl - girls - the girls
N: ei jente - jenta - jenter - jentene (female)
There are a few rules on how you can determine the gender of a word, but the
only way to be sure is to look it up in a dictionary. When you get good
at speaking Norwegian, you will hear whatever sounds right, for some reason.
Neuter: Mountain (fjell), house (hus), tray (brett),
and glass (glass)
Male: Boy (gutt), beer (øl), telephone (telefon)
and vagina (!) (vagina)
Female: Girl (jente), soap (såpe), cable (ledning)
To significantly complicate matters even more, the gender of a word in a sentence
can change:
A ski: en ski (male)
A pair of skis: et par ski (neuter)
A letter: et brev (neuter)
A pile of letters: ei bunke brev (female)
A lot of letters: en mengde brev (male)
The two written languages
The history of the two written languages
In Norway, the written language is very flexible -
you can get away with writing pretty much anything.
Example: "Hvordan" can be written "Åssen".
Although the two words don't look (or sound) anything alike, it is
the same word. The word means "How". Although the second form is
a dialect, the use of the word is so common in the eastern part of Norway,
that is is pretty much accepted.
Even though the language is flexible, there are still two
different written languages. The most commonly used is called "Bokmål"
(Book-language, also called "riksmål"). Norwegian
history is a bit confusing, but the main line of history is that Norway
has been handed back and forth between Denmark and Sweden several times
in the 1700 and begin of the 1800s, until Norway claimed its independence
in 1814. (It finally got its independence from Sweden in 1905). The
written language during this time has been Danish. Bokmål is therefore
based on Danish.
"Nynorsk" (New Norwegian, also called "landsmål")
is the other of the two Norwegian languages. This language is actually not
a naturally developed language; The language was "invented" when
Ivar Aasen (1813 - 1896) travelled along the west coast and the southern
and northern regions of Norway in the middle of the 19th century, literally
collecting words for the language that was to become the "true Norwegian
written language".
Bokmål was developed by "Norwegian-izing" the
Danish written language at about the same time as Aasen did his effort on
creating his language.
The two written languages today (feb 2003)
Although Nynorsk is still mandatory in school, only about 12%
of Norwegians have the language as their first language, and even fewer than
than use Nynorsk as their primary writing language. It can be argued that
the language should be allowed to die, but several organizations and lobby
groups work hard in favour of keeping the language in schools.
The NRK (Norsk Rikskringkasting, the Norwegian equivalent
of the BBC) has a policy that 25% of the TV and radio broadcasts have to
be in Nynorsk. This is obviously futile, as nobody speaks clean Nynorsk,
or Bokmål, for that matter, but at least they try.
Differences between the two languages
Norwegian as a whole is far from unified linguistically,
something which the two written languages illustrate quite clearly.
When Nynorsk was created, it set out to remove some of the strong
influences from abroad, especially from the German language. In particular,
the following were replaced:
- Words with the prefix ge-
- Words with prefix hv-
- Words with the suffix -het (german: -heit, such as Wildheit etc.)
Some examples:
E: Truth
B: Sannhet
N: Røyndom
E: Rest
B: Hvile
N: Kvile
And, of course, the most obvious (and to foreigners, most surprising)
difference: The name of the country is actually spelt differently in the two
E: Norway
B: Norge
N: Noreg
Dialects in Norway have evolved throughout many many years.
The topography of the country, with it's high mountains and deep valleys,
has prevented people from interacting much - the farms in the countryside
were often self-sufficient, and the only contact people would have with the
outside world would be the occasional trip to the market, or the visit from
the postman.
Another reason for why Norway has so many and wildly varying
dialects, is that even if people lived in the same villages, their dialects
could differ slightly; In most of continental europe (and indeed in the rest
of the world) farms would be clustered around a small town square, creating
a natural meeting point. In Norway, for some reason, the layout was very different
- you would find a farm in the middle of the farmlands, effectively putting
it miles from the closest neighbors. A possible explanation for this is that
many farms would be set in the hillsides of mountains, preventing the classical
cluster formation.
Even today, most Norwegians (and indeed, most foreigners
trying to learn Norwegian*) can hear the differences between if someone
is from the general north, south, east or west of the country. The average
Norwegian can pick out somewhere between ten and fifteen different dialects,
whereas a trained ear can pinpoint people who speak the dialects cleanly (i.e
with little or no influence from other dialects) to several hundred
distinct locations, by listening to the usage of words, intonation and pronounciation.
*) A small anecdote here: When I went to folkehøgskole for a year, I went
to the same school as an Englishman, who later became one of my best friends.
He came to the school speaking virtually no Norwegian. The very nature of
a folkehøgskole causes a lot of people from different parts of Norway to
gather. My friend, then, learnt Norwegian from about 70 Norwegians speaking
about 10-15 different dialects. He leart Norwegian just fine, but when you
hear him speak, it is like hearing someone speak English with a mixture
of typical British, Southern-state American, Irish, Australian,
New Yorkian and Scottish words.
- English:
- Norwegian
- Jeg (Bokmål)
- Eg (Nynorsk)
- Æ
- E
- Je
- Jæ
- I
- Oss
- Me
... English is spoken by a good few people in the world, but even in the
oddest dialects, "I" stays the same. Norway, with their 4.5
million people, have at least 9 different ways of referring to themselves
(I say at least, because I can't think of any more - there are probably a few
Learn Norwegian!
Norwegian swearwords and curses
Norwegian polite phrases