Don't know where this "writers' site" crap came from but it sure as hell isn't in the prospectus.

The Best of The Week

Tessie is graduating (again!)

In two days I am off to Seattle to see Tessie graduate with her Masters degree. This is astonishing to me, as it seems only two weeks ago she was a shy little thing hiding behind her mother's skirts when being introduced. I'm so proud of her. She's dealt with the loss of her mother to cancer and the trauma of being basically kidnapped up to Washington state. She lost her grandfather and the love of her aunt and yet leapt over all these hurdles to become her own self, smart, sensible, confident and (seemingly) at peace. She's forgiven me for my lapses and will be welcoming me to her home on Wednesday night. And I can hardly wait.

I'm taking the train up on Tuesday night, and am looking forward to a day of reading and rest while seeing the gorgeous landscape whizzing by on the trip. Thursday is also my name day - the anniversary of the death of Saint Kevin. Doubtless I will celebrate that in some sense once Tessie's celebrations are



She once found a handwritten note, inside of a shoe

sitting in a box in an antique shop 

 smudged blue ink,  written in a language she did not know 


She threw away the shoe, but kept the note for years,  until finally 

Curosity led her to a library, who sent her to a translator 


The first person deferred,  recommending a retired college

It has been over two months since I came back to the United States, and if you are wondering how long it took between my plane touching down, and casing a Dollar Tree for ironic Young Adult novels, the answer is about 30 hours. Having a never-ending supply of free-to-cheap books is one of the highlights of being back.

Speaking of timelines: 12 years ago, while writing about a Nancy Drew book, I mentioned that the series was 82 years old. Meaning it is currently 94

News for Noders

June 3: Saint kevin's Day.

June 4: Aesop's Birthday.

June 11: TerribleAspect's birthday!

June 13: Serjeant's Muse's birthday!

June 16: Bloomsday.

June 19: Juneteenth.

June 20: Summer solstice (northern hemisphere) and winter solstice (southern hemisphere).

June 21: nicolasstag's birthday!

June 23: AdamTheDewott's birthday!

June 23: weroland's birthday!

June 28: Tau Day.

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

May 1: May day.

May 3: Happy birthday ImConfused!

May 4: May the Fourth be with you!

May 8: Happy birthday E2D2!

May 10: Happy birthday BIII!

May 12: Mother's day in the USA.

May 27: Memorial Day in the USA.

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

April 1: The E2 Dadaism Quest starts today! Please show off your Dadaist chops with lots of fig inverted urinal.

April 1: The 2024 LieQuest has been cancelled.

April 12: Yuri's Night

April 22: Happy Earth Day, fellow earthlings!

April 23: Saint George's Day.

April 24: Happy birthday, Rancid_Pickle!

April 30: Walpurgis Night.

If you have something to add to the monthly news, /msg Tem42.

March 14th: Pi day.

March 10th: Daylight saving time celebrated by many.

March 19th: The first equinox of the year.

March 31st: Happy birthday mad girl's love song!

Get ready for LieQuest 2024, starting on April 10th!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

February 2: Happy birthday Auspice!

February 2: Happy birthday npecom!

February 5: Happy birthday wertperch!

February 8: Happy birthday to panamaus

February 15: Happy birthday Admin to the goo!

February 15: Terse Quest 2024 begins!

February 23: Happy birthday Samuel Pepys!

February 29: Happy birthday Browncoat!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.