Towards the end of World War II, a dentist named "Doc" Lytle Adams, watching millions of bats flying from a cave near Bandera, Texas came up with idea of using bat bombs to force the Japanese to surrender. His plan was to strap tiny timed incendiary devices on hordes of bats and release them at dusk over key Japanese cities. The bats would roost in the buildings of the city, and when the timed devices ignited, havoc would be wreaked on the buildings, many made of paper and wood. Adams felt sure that when the Japanese saw the damage, they would surrender for sure. This plan was actually developed and tested. The test "release" was so successful that a newly constructed airbase in New Mexico was burned to the ground. If World War II had gone on much longer, bat bombs might have indeed been used.

Jack Couffer, a member of the original team assigned to develop and test the "bat bomb" has written a book about the project. It is entitled Bat Bomb : World War II's Other Secret Weapon, and chronicles the workings of the team.