My letter of resignation is in my notebook. I haven't signed it yet. It's odd that I can't sign it until my boss is here and I can give it to her. Perhaps tomorrow isn't the best time to do it, she's got meetings all day and won't be free to get all sentimental.

Maybe that's a good thing.

She's already thrown me a farewell party, a whole farewell day really. She's known I am leaving almost as long as I have, and yet it's still hard giving her this letter. It's much easier contemplating writing out about 40 thank you cards for the rather overwhelming 'goodbye' fund they collected.

And then there is the simple anticlimactic fact that my last day isn't for 5 weeks, and that the mylar balloons they gave me on Friday will be deflated and defunct well before I am gone.

It's so strange. Much stranger than just knowing that I'm leaving. People have given me things, my boss has made a speech. I wish I could just up and disappear. She needs to say goodbye in a way that expresses her appreciation, even as I just want to fade discreetly into the woodwork. I don't like being noticed for this kind of thing, there's no merit in just leaving. It isn't anything I've earned or done, but rather an absence of earning and doing. *sigh*

Eight years and a half is a period! What is life going to be like after?