
Joe and I were in a boarding school that was the unitarian church. Some of the members had defected. Everyone had four digit numbers, like dealer-rep numbers at a securities firm. We all had to pick three of the delinquents and match them up with really, really convincing postcards. I was dreading it because I hated writing letters, especially to strangers. Joe didn't mind, and I forget why, but it was something shady, like he was running a con game or he was a drug dealer to those three people or something. Hee. Then I was in granville station, intermixed with all the actors from Star Trek: The Next Generation. They were walking/standing on the long escalator down in a very rehearsed, posed way. Gates McFadden, who had really eighties hair, was explaining it all to me: it was a public appearance or a photo shoot or something. When we got to the bottom, they turned from actors in to real life star trek people, and we were on an obscure deck of the enterprise. Worf was there. There was a swimming pool they were using to train people for going out in zero-g suits. I explained to them how this was a horrible demonstration: swimming pools wouldn't make you feel all sick to your stomach like zero gravity would. They took my advice and took it out of their training program, but still made everyone who used the pool wear the heavy zero-g outfits with heavy backpacks.