The vibe around the office today is really bad. Really, really bad. Our parent company has imposed a budget on us that is simply unatainable, so the axe is falling sharply. It looks like half of the tech support staff, the advertising exec and a third of the IT staff (that's me) are going to be hit by the swinging blade. The CEO talked to me about this yesterday, and he wants to have me 'reassigned' to another venture in progress by one of the partners. I'm not sure it'll happen, 'cause I'm seldom that lucky. I want to believe he can, but I'm not being too hopeful, lest I be let down. I'm sure I can find another gig if I need to, but I like it here; I like the people I've been working with for the past 6 months. It seems that every job I get in my life I like more than the last one I had, so maybe the next one I have will be better. Or maybe what gods or goddesses there may be will take pity on me and make the web sites I run on the side suddenly popular beyond reason. I doubt that too. Though it would be nice.

So this is the new economy, huh? Gee, getting made redundant in new enconomy feels just like getting sacked in the old one.

But I shouldn't loose hope. It's not like I'm being shot. It's the extinction of the ''s, and I guess I have to get used to it.

Maybe I'll get a little farm and keep some sheep. Maybe I'd like a glass of whiskey. Yes, that seems more likely.