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Let us now implement a basic object system in Scheme. We will allow only one superclass per class (single inheritance). If we don't want to specify a superclass, we will use #t as a ``zero'' superclass, one that has neither slots nor methods. The superclass of #t is deemed to be itself.

As a first approximation, it is useful to define classes using a struct called standard-class, with fields for the slot names, the superclass, and the methods. The first two fields we will call slots and superclass respectively. We will use two fields for methods, a method-names field that will hold the list of names of the class's methods, and a method-vector field that will hold the vector of the values of the class's methods.3 Here is the definition of the standard-class:

(defstruct standard-class
  slots superclass method-names method-vector)

We can use make-standard-class, the maker procedure of standard-class, to create a new class. Eg,

(define trivial-bike-class
   'superclass #t
   'slots '(frame parts size)
   'method-names '()
   'method-vector #()))

This is a very simple class. More complex classes will have non-trivial superclasses and methods, which will require a lot of standard initialization that we would like to hide within the class creation process. We will therefore define a macro called create-class that will make the appropriate call to make-standard-class.

(define-macro create-class
  (lambda (superclass slots . methods)
      (list ,@(map (lambda (slot) `',slot) slots))
      (list ,@(map (lambda (method) `',(car method)) methods))
      (vector ,@(map (lambda (method) `,(cadr method)) methods)))))

We will defer the definition of the create-class-proc procedure to later.

The procedure make-instance creates an instance of a class by generating a fresh vector based on information enshrined in the class. The format of the instance vector is very simple: Its first element will refer to the class, and its remaining elements will be slot values. make-instance's arguments are the class followed by a sequence of twosomes, where each twosome is a slot name and the value it assumes in the instance.

(define make-instance
  (lambda (class . slot-value-twosomes)

    ;Find `n', the number of slots in `class'.
    ;Create an instance vector of length `n + 1',
    ;because we need one extra element in the instance
    ;to contain the class.

    (let* ((slotlist (standard-class.slots class))
           (n (length slotlist))
           (instance (make-vector (+ n 1))))
      (vector-set! instance 0 class)

      ;Fill each of the slots in the instance
      ;with the value as specified in the call to

      (let loop ((slot-value-twosomes slot-value-twosomes))
        (if (null? slot-value-twosomes) instance
            (let ((k (list-position (car slot-value-twosomes) 
              (vector-set! instance (+ k 1) 
                (cadr slot-value-twosomes))
              (loop (cddr slot-value-twosomes))))))))

Here is an example of instantiating a class:

(define my-bike
  (make-instance trivial-bike-class
                 'frame 'cromoly
                 'size '18.5
                 'parts 'alivio))

This binds my-bike to the instance

#(<trivial-bike-class> cromoly 18.5 alivio)

where <trivial-bike-class> is a Scheme datum (another vector) that is the value of trivial-bike-class, as defined above.

The procedure class-of returns the class of an instance:

(define class-of
  (lambda (instance)
    (vector-ref instance 0)))

This assumes that class-of's argument will be a class instance, ie, a vector whose first element points to some instantiation of the standard-class. We probably want to make class-of return an appropriate value for any kind of Scheme object we feed to it.

(define class-of
  (lambda (x)
    (if (vector? x)
        (let ((n (vector-length x)))
          (if (>= n 1)
              (let ((c (vector-ref x 0)))
                (if (standard-class? c) c #t))

The class of a Scheme object that isn't created using standard-class is deemed to be #t, the zero class.

The procedures slot-value and set!slot-value access and mutate the values of a class instance:

(define slot-value
  (lambda (instance slot)
    (let* ((class (class-of instance))
            (list-position slot (standard-class.slots class))))
      (vector-ref instance (+ slot-index 1)))))

(define set!slot-value
  (lambda (instance slot new-val)
    (let* ((class (class-of instance))
            (list-position slot (standard-class.slots class))))
      (vector-set! instance (+ slot-index 1) new-val))))

We are now ready to tackle the definition of create-class-proc. This procedure takes a superclass, a list of slots, a list of method names, and a vector of methods and makes the appropriate call to make-standard-class. The only tricky part is the value to be given to the slots field. It can't be just the slots argument supplied via create-class, for a class must include the slots of its superclass as well. We must append the supplied slots to the superclass's slots, making sure that we don't have duplicate slots.

(define create-class-proc
  (lambda (superclass slots method-names method-vector)
     'superclass superclass
     (let ((superclass-slots 
            (if (not (eqv? superclass #t))
                (standard-class.slots superclass)
       (if (null? superclass-slots) slots
            (append slots superclass-slots))))
     'method-names method-names
     'method-vector method-vector)))

The procedure delete-duplicates called on a list s, returns a new list that only includes the last occurrence of each element of s.

(define delete-duplicates
  (lambda (s)
    (if (null? s) s
        (let ((a (car s)) (d (cdr s)))
          (if (memv a d) (delete-duplicates d)
              (cons a (delete-duplicates d)))))))

Now to the application of methods. We invoke the method on an instance by using the procedure send. send's arguments are the method name, followed by the instance, followed by any arguments the method has in addition to the instance itself. Since methods are stored in the instance's class instead of the instance itself, send will search the instance's class for the method. If the method is not found there, it is looked for in the class's superclass, and so on further up the superclass chain:

(define send
  (lambda (method instance . args)
    (let ((proc
           (let loop ((class (class-of instance)))
             (if (eqv? class #t) (error 'send)
                 (let ((k (list-position 
                           (standard-class.method-names class))))
                   (if k
                       (vector-ref (standard-class.method-vector class) k)
                       (loop (standard-class.superclass class))))))))
      (apply proc instance args))))

We can now define some more interesting classes:

(define bike-class
   (frame size parts chain tires)
   (check-fit (lambda (me inseam)
                (let ((bike-size (slot-value me 'size))
                      (ideal-size (* inseam 3/5)))
                  (let ((diff (- bike-size ideal-size)))
                    (cond ((<= -1 diff 1) 'perfect-fit)
                          ((<= -2 diff 2) 'fits-well)
                          ((< diff -2) 'too-small)
                          ((> diff 2) 'too-big))))))))

Here, bike-class includes a method check-fit, that takes a bike and an inseam measurement and reports on the fit of the bike for a person of that inseam.

Let's redefine my-bike:

(define my-bike
  (make-instance bike-class
                 'frame 'titanium ; I wish
                 'size 21
                 'parts 'ultegra
                 'chain 'sachs
                 'tires 'continental))

To check if this will fit someone with inseam 32:

(send 'check-fit my-bike 32)

We can subclass bike-class.

(define mtn-bike-class
    (check-fit (lambda (me inseam)
                (let ((bike-size (slot-value me 'size))
                      (ideal-size (- (* inseam 3/5) 2)))
                  (let ((diff (- bike-size ideal-size)))
                    (cond ((<= -2 diff 2) 'perfect-fit)
                          ((<= -4 diff 4) 'fits-well)
                          ((< diff -4) 'too-small)
                          ((> diff 4) 'too-big))))))))

mtn-bike-class adds a slot called suspension and uses a slightly different definition for the method check-fit.

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