Absurd Notions is a web comic written and drawn by Kevin Pease. The comic itself is about the lives of 5 college friends, most of whom live together now, and what they do. The strip covers topics as diverse as everyone's careers and restaurant choices, but quite a bit of it is devoted to what they do for fun: play bad RPGs.

The cast consists of:

  • Warren Wright, a sysadmin with an attitude. Don't mess with him. Especially not before he's had his morning pot of coffee. He has worked for several different ISPs in his hometown, and is a serious Linux advocate.
  • Biff Bergendey, a big guy stuck in crappy jobs. So far he's been a telemarketer and an order taker at the drive-thru. He's not the sharpest pencil in the box, but he's not a stump either.
  • Isaac Jones is computer programmer. He started the strip at a startup writing a new OS, then came home to do the same. He's now trying to invent new mathematics to help him. He has no known source of income.
  • Jay is an artist. While he practices pretention, its all an act. He recognizes the silliness inherant in modern art. He is very serious about practical jokes.
  • JAG is a token girl, and Jay's girlfriend. She doesn't talk about her job much, and her nickname comes from too many Jennifers in college (Jennifer A. Green).
  • JYG is another token girl, who works with Warren. She's not so bright, and she's another Jennifer Green.
  • Garry is Warren's boss, sort of. Think Dilbert's PHB without the hair issues.
  • Dr. Umlaut is the world's most apathetic man.
  • Pythagora's Pizza Palace is a pizzaria, not a character, but I think it deserves mention. They specialize in any unique order involving the geometric configuration of pizza toppings.

There was a brief cross over with GPF Comics, where Warren gets help for his militant Linux beliefs.

The strip started in Kevin's student newspaper in college, so be sure to read Classic for back story.

Check it out at http://www.absurdnotions.org

It shares a page with Kevin's autobiographical zoomorphic comic, so read that too.