Ok, this is probably more like a week log, but here goes:

First of all, I am a semi-geek. I play football and quake, so I guess it evens out. Whatever. Anyways, last Friday I decide, out of the blue, to run for Student Council. Well, two friends of mine tried to nominate me that Friday during the nomination conventions. Let me back-up a second and set the scene: all boy, generally conservative, 400 students, Christian Principles, mainly W.A.S.P. school. Well, no luck with the nomination. However, all students have the option to run if they get 1/3 of the electorate to sign a petition. Undaunted, I begin this task at 1 oclock Friday and collect about 120. However, I'm not the only "white ticket" candidate running. Another guy is out trying to snag signatures too. However, I'm doing ok. And it looks like i've got a good chance of not only beating the other white ticket guy in the election, but winnning overall. Cool. (running for secretary/treasurer btw.)

So I Monday i get all the signatures I need and find out, too my suprise, that a much more formidable opponent decided to run for secretary treasurer. Anyays, I go on through with a terrible speach: I won't reprint it here, on second thought. Anyways, to cut a long story short, I don't win but I suppose i got something out of the experience. yippe kay yeah