What a gorgeous day yesterday was. During my lunch break, I got a small sandwich, ate it outside, and spent the rest of break napping in the warm shade of a little tree.

When I was back at work, I found a nodeshell with the title I mean these words come out of him like the right music. It inspired me to write about a friend on whom I seem to have a bit of a crush. Got upvoted, downvoted, upvoted again. So interesting to see how voting works at this place...

C. met me at work as I was finishing up for the day, and we walked and rode our bikes to a small reservoir on the outskirts of town. As we approached, I recognized my housemates' voices mixing with the sounds of splashing water, and as we climbed up to the rim, we found two of my housemates and some other friends swimming in the reservoir. We both stripped and jumped in as the others were getting out. The cold water was a shock to my skin, but it was refreshing, especially after spending the day in the un-airconditioned office. The water was really cold, though, as it is still so early in the season, and we both got cold pretty quickly. I got out first, and from the water, C. called to me and said through chattering teeth, "I think my tits are gonna fall off!"

As we were getting out, we ran into yet more housemates and friends, who were also coming to get in a before-dinner swim. We got back in with them, and played around in the water some more, until we were so cold we were shivering in the 70 degree early evening sun.

Shitty evening class, then onto rehearsal for a friend's senior recital. I got suckered into carrying furniture, but it's OK, since he needs help, and he's a good buddy.

Went over to C.'s place, intending to just stop by and say hi, but kinda ended up staying much later.