One of Friedrich Nietzsche's late philosophical works. It was published in 1888, and runs through a very large amount of material in a very small space (the book is only ~90 pages). It is a good introduction to Nietzsche's thought in general, as it provides his viewpoint on such diverse issues as aesthetics, German nationalism, his thoughts on various other authors and philosophers, as well as the pre-eminenent Nietzschian field: ethics. Ethics was the branch of philosophy that Nietzsche was primarily concerned with, and what he was truly revolutionary in. In this regard the book covers most of Nietzsche's important topics: morals (Nietzche's notion of what is moral and immoral, and where we get these notions), Christianity (which he hates with a passion, and is more thoroughly discussed in The Genealogy of Morals), and the famous concept of a "revaluation of all values" (Nietzsche's analysis of whether we need values in the first place).

Twilight of the Idols is fresh, exciting, and very provocative: if you read it, it will raise serious questions in you. If you are looking for an outlook on life that breaks the mold of traditionally accepted morality (or even if you're not - maybe especially if you're not), and you haven't read Nietzsche yet, you're in for a real treat.