Serving New York, Washington, D.C., Charlotte, Atlanta, Mobile, and intermediate points

Amtrak train numbers: 519 and 520

Predecessor railroad train numbers: None

In 1989, Amtrak inaugurated a new train service, paid for in part by the state of Alabama, operating from New York to Mobile, Alabama, as a section of the Crescent, split from or combined into that train at Birmingham.

Ridership was fairly strong, to the point that several cities were added as station stops due to potential passenger demand, and plans were made to extend the train through Mississippi to New Orleans. However, Amtrak budget cuts in 1995 resulted in the train's discontinuance.

Condensed historical timetables:
   READ DOWN                         READ UP
(1990)  (1994)                   (1994)  (1990)
 1:45P   1:42P Dp New York    Ar  2:45P   1:45P
 6:30P   6:50P    Washington      9:28A   9:00A
 2:25A   2:58A    Charlotte       1:04A  12:49A
 8:15A   8:45A    Atlanta         7:45P   7:35P
11:40A  12:23P    Birmingham      2:20P   2:10P
 2:08P   2:21P    Montgomery     11:08A  10:57A
 6:11P   6:08P Ar Mobile      Dp  7:55A   7:10A

The Amtrak Train Names Project