About a year ago I posted a daylog (now deleted) about my first show with the (internet-only) "radio" station at my school. I've had a great year doing shows, and now I would like to announce a new experimental music show that I'll be doing that folks might find interesting.

Experimental Sound
Saturdays, 11pm - midnight, US Pacific Time
Listen at: http://www.rainydawg.org
Show site: http://students.washington.edu/thyme/experimental/

My playlist is available at the show site—please check it out! If you'd like to listen, go to the Rainydawg website, mouse-over the 'Listen' tab, and click 'Players' to select your desired stream. My show won't show up on the schedule yet, because we just started a new quarter, but rest assured, I'll be there from 11 to midnight. I'd love to hear from any E2 denizens!