A surgical operation to improve myopia by changing the curve of the cornea over the pupil. The PRK process uses an excimer laser to sculpt an area 5 to 9 millimeters in diameter on the surface of the eye.

Most PRK facilities and machines report that 65-70% of patients with correction up to -6.00 diopters can expect 20/20 uncorrected vision post operatively. The percentage with 20/40 uncorrected acuity is 90-95%. Corrections less than -6.00 diopters will have better odds and corrections greater than -6.00 will have lower odds. The safety of the procedure is judged on the basis of the chance of a possible complication. Serious complications are extremely rare. Infection is the most worrisome complication and fortunately it can usually be eliminated with antibiotic medications. Other possible problems include delayed surface healing, corneal haze and or scarring, over or undercorrection, and the development of astigmatism. Some individuals can have a poor or excessive healing response. Again most complications remain treatable with medications or further surgery.