Actually, there's quite a lot to be said about the song: she's a waitress on the night shift in D.C. whose inner life is spent in escapism (she reads Wittgenstein and yearns to travel). He's a long-distance trucker, whose life is spent traveling, but is incredibly lonesome, which also leads to him reading...the very same book!...while dropping off a shipment in her diner. It's not spelled out, but they're both African-American.

I love the idea. R&B artists are usually chained to a fairly stereotyped version of urban life: working-class existences that have no meaning, no inner drama, nothing except the awareness that they aren't white, therefore affluent. In their shared obsession, as in Aretha Franklin's I Say a Little Prayer, (the woman singing is a secretary, which in 60's America would be a coveted job for a white woman, much less anyone else) they find a life beyond money and race, that of ideas, love, knowledge and connectedness...Really. Check this out. The instrumentation sucks, but the idea REIGNS.