Sweet moments of life: I'm walking through Expect Discounts, and find (among a whole lot of instruments that will end up in a school band) a trumpet. I've never blown a trumpet, my experience in wind instruments has since been with recorders and bottle flutes. But I decide it's great to put it to my lips, blow...and....nothing.

About which when a whole lot of little kids show up. I strike a Xuxa attitude (look it up) and blow again, figuring that the channeled soul of bossa nova will carry me through. Nada. Nix. Nothing.

Finally, a girl of about six speaks up.

"My granddad taught me how to do that." She blows.

Like Gillespie. Like Maynard. Like Miles, and Herb Alpert playing the credits to Casino Royale.

"Um, how did you..."

"You kind of do a razzsberry."

Wow. Somewhere, Jack Kerouac is laughing...