I was sitting in my office trying to get something done and I got a message from a friend of mine. I always keep the damn messenger service running for just such an occasion but this one was a little more unusual…
This is the abridged version of the conversation:

Kevin: What are you doing?
Tandex: trying to fix my invoice html so that it will work on Netscape properly.
Kevin: oh… so you’re not busy, then?

I sighed for a second and looked at the mess I was making with my code. Having an IE captive intranet made a lot of things easy and my coding was a simple experiment anyway...

Tandex: ok, not really. What’s up?
Kevin: We perpetrated a monstrous prank last night.
Tandex: and?
Kevin: It was mucho amusing.
Kevin: It was this girl's birthday today.
Tandex: ok

I looked back at my code trying to figure out which one was more interesting…

Kevin: So last night we came in and filled her cubicle top to bottom with balloons.
Kevin: And then gift-wrapped her entire cubicle with bright yellow happy birthday wrapping paper.

I looked again at my code seeing it take a sudden, far more interesting leap... but I persisted with the conversation.

Tandex: oh... ok... are you still at rSP?
Kevin: Yeah, I start BFC next week.
Tandex: ok
Kevin: Why do you ask?
Tandex: just wondering
Kevin: What do you know about BFC anyways?
Tandex: well, they make great fried chicken...
Tandex: wait a minute…
Tandex: wrong 'FC'

I smiled at my smartass-ness

Kevin: So in other words, not a damn thing.
Tandex: ding!
Tandex: I know a girl who worked there… she seemed to enjoy the place
Kevin: So, is that girl the kind of person who would enjoy working in the same kind of places I do?
Kevin: OK...what was up with Embers yesterday?
Kevin: She looked at me like I was some sort of dead-freak-walking-zombie-puppie-killer.
Tandex: what do you mean? She seemed fine to me? What did she say?
Kevin: Dunno...just thought I caught a very unhappy vibe from her.
Tandex: she was pretty tired. She got to bed around 5
Tandex: that was probably it
Kevin: OK, so she was the walking dead zombie...I feel better.
Kevin: At any rate, I made a major ass of myself last night...even more so than usual.
Tandex: what did you do?
Kevin: There's this girl, Crystal, that we work with. She was there last night helping with the balloons.
Kevin: She was already here when I got here.
Kevin: So I show up and as it turns out she brought her (slightly) younger sister with her.
Kevin: And they're both laughing and giggling like made.
Kevin: Med I mean.
Kevin: MAD.
Kevin: Damn...anyways...
Kevin: They were acting all drunk and stuff.
Tandex: ok... and?
Kevin: So I asked them jokingly if they'd been hitting the bottle, and they said no.
Kevin: So we go on, and Crystal is acting much better.
Kevin: But her sister is still acting like she's lit off her ass.
Kevin: So the whole night long I'm making jokes about her being a drunk and all...good-naturedly of course.
Kevin: And then about 15 minutes before it's time for Crystal to leave....
Tandex: then...?

I've always hated it when people lead you into something with a phrase like: "guess what?" or "then...".
I suppose I could be more forgiving because it was typed conversation... I guess I'm a jerk.

Kevin: ...she starts telling her sister what to do, in the way that a mother would tell her 10 year old child what to do.
Kevin: And then it all suddenly clicks into place...
Tandex: oh no
Kevin: Her sister has a developmental disability.

I was laughing too hard at him to type.

Kevin: She's 20-something and has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader.
Kevin: Talk about egg on my face...
Tandex: you are such a moron.
Kevin: I felt like an ass...
Kevin: Literally.
Kevin: I felt so bad...
Tandex: that is funny... that goes into the bin.... have to write this down.
Kevin: I didn't know for sure until they left and I asked Ferguson and he confirmed it.
Tandex: oh my god....
Tandex: Stimpy! you are an eeeeediot
Kevin: I felt so bad that I spent probably 15 minutes this morning apologizing to Crystal.

…More laughing at his expense

Kevin: I swear, I thought that she was drunk.
Kevin: She didn't sound stupid, she didn't slur, she didn't act inappropriately.
Kevin: She just acted really slappy.
Tandex: You are a fucking idiot