A suggestion on filters:

When rolling the filter in, I like to take the bottom third of a post-it note (the non-glue side of course!), and roll it to the same size I would a standard business card type filter. I will admit there is something nice about using cardstock quality paper as a filter, but you can fold the piece of post-it note into itself enough that it'll be pretty sturdy. Then just roll that post-it note filter in like you would've a normal filter. The advantage? You'll notice that when smoking joints with filters (especially if it's not the first joint of the session) that it can be rather hard to tell when you've hit the filter. By the time all that resiny smoke passes through, everything's sort of a uniform brown color. But with a bright yellow post-it note, you can always tell where the good stuff stops and the filter starts, so you're not sitting there trying to relight a worthless roach. Very handy.

I'm, of course, not encouraging illegal activity. If you're applying this technique, I'm assuming you live in Amsterdam, or some other place where this won't be a problem with the appropriate legal authorities. Right?