This is a nice dish for mid to late fall. Excellent for a variation on pancakes, something with a little more taste and a little more dinner (as opposed to breakfast) appeal.




Combine yeast, honey, salt, powder, and flour with water in a mixing bowl, and knead until soft. Cover with a damp towel or oiled plastic wrap and let rise for 30 minutes. Remove to floured surface and divide into 3-inch balls. Flatten each to ¼-inch-thick circles, and allow to rise for 15 minutes. Heat oil in frying pan, medium-high heat. Use tongs to fry each patty for about 1½ minutes per side. Drain on paper towels. Serve with honey or cinnamon and sugar.

Yield: about 6
Source: Paraphrased from Allrich, Cooking By Moonlight (published as "Indian fry bread")
Use for: Mabon, Samhain

Pagan recipes