This is a song by Ween, from the album Pure Guava.

Campy little piece sung slightly out of tune, or maybe it never had a tune to match in the first place. "Gener" is, of course, the singer of the band, and this is sung by the guitarist, "Deaner."

i saw my brother weepin' in the dead of the night
i said, hey dude-mang, you feelin' all right?
gener said nothin' and continued to weep
i caught papa gene ween cryin' in his sleep

They got pretty silly during this song, at one point saying "but when it's time for bed, you shouldn't think about that stuff." "Dude-mang" is something the "brothers" can be heard saying to each other many times in other songs, sometimes shouted in the background: "Dude-mang, dude-mang, where you at?" I imagine this is based on an actual incident.

This song is © 1992 by Ween, Elektra Records (Cassette), © 1992 CD Creation Records (CD).

Pure Guava
Next song on the album: Touch My Tooter