Disclaimer: I do not in any way think that the black plague, death by horrible diseases, or the millions of fatalities caused by plague are in any way funny. This is simply a small bit of irony I found amusing.

One of my co-workers mentioned to a group of us that the black plague is now mostly curable by an antibiotic (as you can confirm in the above writeup by SueZVudu). Because most forms can be cured so easily, the mortality rate of said disease is not at all what it once was. But the stigma still remains attached to the name; say it to yourself a couple of times. Black plague. Black plague. Yes, it evokes a shiver, a feeling of horror, even though it basically describes a disease that isn't likely to kill you with proper treatment. I think that if I were to contract a treatable form of this disease, I would have quite a bit of fun using its name to mess with people's minds.

Boss: Where were you at work today?
Ivy: Sorry, I had the bubonic plague.

Sleazy Guy: So when can we have another date?
Ivy: Afraid that's impossible, I have the black death.

Mom: Why don't you visit your poor mother?
Ivy: Can't. Plague, you know.

You get the picture.