Date: 10th May, 1464

Time: early morning

Location: South of Hexham

Factions: York vs Lancaster Victor: York

Troops/inventory: York - 4,000 Lancaster - 500

Injuries/fatalities of interest: For York - none
For Lancaster

Interesting bit: On 27th March, 1464, King Edward IV made a promise to put an end to Lancastrian resistance. On 16th April the same year, he put this plan into action. Orders to muster able-bodied men were sent to more than 30 English counties. Five great cannons were prepared for the journey north to Northumberland. The guns, named 'Dijon', 'London', 'Newcastle', 'Richard Bombartal' and 'Edward' were not deployed during the Battle of Hexham, but were used to devastating effect afterwards. Sir Ralph Grey, now known to be a turncoat took refuge in Bamburgh Castle after the battle. A Yorkist herald was sent into the castle to offer a pardon to all who would surrender, with the exception of Grey and Sir Humphrey Neville. Grey sent a message back with the herald which said "I am determined to stay, and to live or die in this place."

The Yorkists, taking Grey at his word, besieged Bamburgh, assembling men and cannons outside the walls. As the castle defences began to fall, one cannonball from the gun 'Dijon' landed on the roof of Grey's chambers, and knocked him unconscious. Although gun fire passed through the walls of his apartment several times, Grey refused to surrender and was eventually tied to the back of his own horse and escorted to trial before King Edward.