Armed Forces Radio and Television Service. Pronounced "ay-farts".

A DOD-run network of radio and television services. Quite often, it is the main link back to the States for the servicemember overseas. There are no commercials. TV shows are a year old in the series and are a collection of the most popular TV shows of that season. The only exception to this includes sporting events and news (which is a combination of AFRTS news, a military community news broadcast, and CNN Headline News).

AFRTS shows no commercials. This space is instead filled by public service announcements you normally see playing in the dead advertising space of late night TV Stateside. There's also a slew of various military commercials. These commercials involve everything from health tips (The Nutrition Patrol), daily practices (Hello Boris -- a program to say 'hello Boris' as a reminder that all phone conversations of military member are likely to be tapped by foreign agents), to military history and propaganda (The History of the Code of Conduct).

After several years of AFRTS, I found myself watching Stateside TV... and enjoying the commercials more than most of the shows.