Herein follows my extension of the epilogue of Paul Coelho's The Alchemist. It doesn't exactly contain spoilers, but it may be spoilerish.

The boy returned to Fanta in a caravan drawn by ten Especially Large Scarabs. She had been looking out across the desert with hope in her eyes. Now that hope was fulfilled.

She did not run to meet him. And though his heart was telling him how it longed for him to leap from the caravan, run to Fanta, and take her in his arms, the boy waited for his caravan to arrive. When it stopped in the oasis he climbed down and walked to meet her. Her eyes shone with the beauty of a thousand million bajillion stones. Urimdum and Thummimdee were so shame.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied. "It was to steal the Personal Legend of another man who needed the treasure far more than I, so that I could come back here to you and build a gigantic mirror of gold in this oasis. It will reflect the heat of the sun and your brilliant beauty. And your Personal Legend is to look into this mirror."

But Fanta did not even glance at the caravan piled with glimmering riches. She took the boy by the hand, and said, "I have already found my Personal Legend. It is you."

"Oh. Me?" said the boy. He felt pleased, but uncomfortable. "Frankly I'm not really sure what to do with it."

She led him into her tent and they spent many hours rocking the Souls of one another's Worlds. When they finally emerged, the sun was down and the caravan was gone. The driver had taken all of the boy's treasure with him.

He shrugged. She smiled. The boy got a job as the counselor of the oasis. He had enough gold to buy many sheep and many camels. Instead he built a skyscraper that reflected Fanta's beauty.

When Fanta died, the skyscraper wept, for it had loved admiring its beauty reflected in her eyes. The water rose and sunk the skyscraper into the sands. The oasis became a lake, and then the desert became a sea. Every being that breathed air and lived on the land drowned - every being but one.

The Alchemist was that one, for he had drunk the Elixir of Life.

Living underwater sucked.