So I found out last night there is a drink called a Wet Pussy. I pushed into a table (as opposed to a dead spread) where everyone there was drinking them. says it is:

1 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur
2 oz Irish cream
6 oz milk

And by the way, if you want to find more information about the drink on your own I HIGHLY suggest googling "wet pussy drink" and not just "wet pussy." The internet does have its flaws.

I'm not the type of guy who would ever say that alcohol is responsible for people's behavior, so I do not blame the wet pussies for how loud that table was. I'm also a huge freedom of speech fan, so it made me a little sad when a pit boss came over and asked if they could "keep it PG-13." I guess you can only scream about your wet pussies so much before attracting unwanted attention.