Ok, so I lost about $150 playing poker online in the last hour or so. Oh, by the way, here is your link.

Anyway, the maniac left and it was going to take too long to get the money back, and the table he was at broke and rather than get on another table I figured I'd just take a break.

So now what to do. Well, I was staring at my friend's name on trillian instant messanger, we'll call him "guy that encourages me to do things with my life like go back to college, or treat playing poker as a real job, despite having dropped out of a good college himself just short of graduating." Of course I can't talk to him about poker or he'll encourage me to buy more books, move up in limit, and basically take it as seriously as I can. So what DO I start chatting about?

Then my other friend, we'll call him...actually I won't call him anything like my first firend, since I want to reward him for actually reading the crap I write on E2 sometimes...calls on the phone.

"Perfect timing!" I say, and explain why. Soon he gets another call which he decides to take from an OLD friend of ours we'll call, well actually I'll just call him Mooch.

Now no one talks to Mooch much anymore, so I understand my second friend taking his call. It's funny though, guy that encourages me to do things with my life like go back to college, or treat playing poker as a real job, despite having dropped out of a good college himself just short of graduating (don't you love cut and paste?) just told me he had talked to Mooch recently.

So I have to wonder, am I going to get a call from Mooch in the near future?

I've decided the answer is no. The reason being, as the great Lorax once said, "We are all assholes sometimes."

But you see I am more frequently an asshole than others. I'm abrassive and the only thing I tend to use what people try to convince me is a wasted intellignece on is manipulating people into feeling bad about things I don't like. In fact, I'd go so far as to say you can't have english as your first language to have a happy relationship with me.

So I decided to daylog as I wait for my girlfriend to be done with work, or my second friend to call back, or find something good on TV, or play an inane video game that is good for me, because, as my mother pointed out once when I was growing up, "You are usually alone, Brian."