Abusively used by
newbies and useless
mIRC scripts, the mIRC colors are nowadays supported by most
IRC clients. Added in version 4.7 (released on
09/12/96), the mIRC colors code are inserted by hitting the
ctrl+k key combination. Actually, the symbol used is a
inversed C). The colors combinations are created this way:
F is the
foreground color and
B the optional
background color.
F and
B are numbers from 0 to 15 representing the following colors:
0 White
1 Black
2 Blue (Navy)
3 Green
4 Red
5 Brown (Maroon)
6 Purple
7 Orange (Olive)
8 Yellow
9 Light green (Lime)
10 Teal (Dark cyan)
11 Light cyan
12 Light blue (Royal)
13 Pink (Fuchsia)
14 Grey
15 Light grey (Silver)
^C4I love apples will print in red, and
^C8,1Eating bananas in the dark is cool will print in yellow with a black background.