Prophecy is a
touchy subject.
Why? Because people don't like it when you break the laws of physics. (Specifically, that events should occur in chronological order.)
It's interesting, though, the interplay of layers here.
We have the system of physics. On top of that, we have the system of proteins, DNA, and rhibosomes. On top of that, life. And somewhere, on top of that, brains. And somewhere, on top of that, thought and intelligence.
And somehow, between the bottom layer and the top layer, it becomes possible to "prophesy".
Of course, it may be possible to transfer data through time by diddling particles, in which case it makes more sense. But I tend to think that it takes something supernatural to break the laws of physics.
Being a Christian, I go with the idea that God has people prophesy to disclose His will ahead of time. Even so, I feel the upcoming comments have relevance, no matter one's take on the source of prophecy.
One of the biggest themes in the Bible is that "Actions speak louder than words."
This applies to Prophets as much as it applies to Christians, Librarians, and Nazis.
If they say they are, but their actions don't support it, then they aren't.
This is a useful Axiom.
So, to go over the examples:
- Nazis
If someone says they are a Nazi, but never do anything at all Nazi-like, then they may be faking it. In World War 2 era Germany, this was a survival trait. Nowadays, it is creepy and probably deserves scrutiny.
- Librarians
If you go to the library, and someone claims they are a Librarian, and spouts Library Terminology, yet never looks up books, sorts books, uses the librarian computers, or is acknowledged to be a Librarian by the other Librarians, it's a good bet they aren't a Librarian.
- Christians
If someone claims to be a Christian, yet is a bigot and goes around yelling at people about how bad they are, then they aren't a Christian. They are faking it.
- Prophets
If someone claims to be a prophet, yet their prophecies are never fulfilled, then they are not a prophet. Most prophets who really are prophets are aware of that fact.
God goes further, and says that true prophets will attribute their prophecies to Him, but the argument stands without this.