Unfounded idea that the
death penalty discourages serious crimes, which is more popularly known as the
Deterrence Argument.
The reasons for low crime rates in China have probably got more to do with the fact that the majority of the population are so afraid of doing anything: who gives a shit about the death penalty when you can be imprisoned and tortured for the rest of your life simply because you commit freedom of speech. The above list is incomplete and thought crime should be added... or maybe that is what is euphemistically referred to as "corruption".
Interestingly, despite China's appalling human and civil rights record it recently signed the two United Nations Covenants on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. One can only suppose that the government wants to be seen to be listening to well-respected organisations like Amnesty International. For further information on the death penalty and China's human rights record and verification of anything I have said here then please see http://www.amnesty.org.
Note to the lovely DMan: I love these little chats but it really must stop, DMan: people are starting to talk. Anyway, in response to your assertions (they aren't points because you have apparently not seen fit to provide us with sources for any of your information) I have the following to say:
China has one of the worlds worst human rights records and continues to abuse the civil liberties of its native population.