I'm mercilessly banging my head on my desk right now. I just had a call from a woman who works across the room from me. Across the room!! She couldn't access one of our intranet development sites - basically because we're in the process of modifying our DNS services. I'd sent an email out at the end of last week saying this work was happening today and if that it caused a problem to use the IP address instead. So instead of http://devserver/ use http://192.168.0.x/. So yeah, I forwarded the email AGAIN to her but then she printed the damn thing out just so she could type it in. I thought she'd keep the bit of paper for future reference, but no, she scrumpled it up and threw it away.

Maybe tomorrow I'll node up the guy who tip-ex'd his keyboard and wrote on the characters because it was set to US when he was in the UK.

Back to banging my head on my desk...