Well I had them most
shitty yet
wonderful day starting last night and ending at 6 something this morning.
To start it off, I hung out witht this guy named Aaron, who I had been talking to for a while but never actually spent time with by ourselves. We sat in his
car and talked for three and a half hours about
politics. I am not really into politics but I do like having any kind of
intelligent discussion. Then we went back to his house an watched tv and other things. He's not a very good
kisser but I can deal with that because he is
cute. It started to rain while I was over there, but I had to leave so I decided to brave the
slippery roads. I was going too fast in a turn and
hydroplaned and hit a wall, then I swerved to the other side and hit an embankment. Not knowing what else to do, I drove to the guys house and woke him up and had him
change my tire in the cold, pouring rain at 3 in the morning. I had to stand out there with him and I've never felt so
wet, cold and screwed in my life.
I thanked him and was on my way, and got incredibly lost. I got to a city called " Rainbow " and decided to turn back. My car was swerving all over the place and it was raining really hard. Just to add to my luck, three cops pulled my over because of my reckless driving. They said I had another flat tire and changed it with the spare in the trunk, which was the tire Aaron took off, but it was better inflated. So basically I changed my tire twice when I only had to once. One time by a guy I barely know and the other by three cops no less. I barely made it home, and by then it was 6 in the morning. I'm surprised that I made it home alive. I didn't go to school, slept all day and I'm still dealing with the consequences from my parents. The things I get into because of men.....