Ah, the ever illustrious SpaceOrb. The spaceorb is a nifty piece gadget, that was once made by SpaceTec. Basically, the SpaceOrb is rubber ball placed upon a plastic controller. Two rapid fire buttons on the top, and four buttons located below. There are two ways to hold the SpaceOrb, the horizontal with the rubber ball on top, and vertical similar to console game controllers. The SpaceOrb is ideally used for 3D First Person Shooters FPS. The SpaceOrb was much touted when Quake reigned supreme, it still has a following but the lack of updates and little driver support has killed most peoples hope. The SpaceOrb does not work under Windows 2000, if you crave the need to use a rubber implement to control your games there is a thing called the ASCII Sphere made by Spacetec as well, all you need is a converter and it works as a joystick in Windows 2000. The SpaceOrb had high ambitions, some use it to control CAD and 3D Modellers, but its best use was to frag people to no end. It spawned other memorable input devices like the Panther XL and the Microsoft Dual Strike.