Everything is a grand collaboration. Every so often, this collaboration fractalizes itself and a subcollaboration is born. Specifically, consider this hierarchy: the universe, the human race, the internet, e2, and the write-ups listed below. Consciousness is rooted in self-reference.
They shared a love of impermanence, briefly (idea)
by izubachi, Sat Aug 06 2005 at 0:23:10
Nature of contribution: Lines of a poem.
People contributing: etouffee (title), heridraconigena, izubachi. Presumably closed. Total: 3.
Number of characters: 993.
Last seen (fiction)
by jessicaj, Fri Nov 07 2008 at 1:17:51
Nature of contribution: One or more /msgs to jessicaj.
People contributing: Names withheld. Presumably closed. Total: 4.
Number of characters: 4120.
Toaster (thing)
by everyone, Thu Apr 29 2004 at 22:24:31
Nature of contribution: "Guest written" sections.
People contributing: arieh, borgo, Chiisuta, Demeter, drownzsurf, Footprints, grundoon, iceowl, JohnnyGoodyear, riverrun, TheDeadGuy. Presumably closed. Total: 11.
Number of characters: 42678.
Briefcase Full of Souls - Part I and Part II
by members of e2collaborators, several write-ups
Nature of contribution: See e2collaborators. Perhaps someone in that group can explain further!
People contributing: artman2003, BaronWR, DejaMorgana, Devon, Dimview, grundoon, jessicaj, Junkill, LostPsion, lucychili, Senso, Uberbanana. Open. Total: 12.
Number of characters: 119978 in 10 nodes, for an average of 11998 characters per node.
She sang of fantastic green islands, and sparkling fish, never telling that she haunted the waters (idea)
by stand/alone/bitch, Mon Jan 29 2001 at 21:38:26
Nature of contribution: A sequence of /msgs with stand/alone/bitch.
People contributing: alienhuman, birdonmyshoulder*, discofever, donfreenut, GangstaFeelsGood, kamamer, knifegirl, lawnjart, mat catastrophe, Roninspoon, stand/alone/bitch, tandex. Presumably closed. Total: 12.
Number of characters: 11403.
The write-up contributed to by the most people (idea)
by Pseudo_Intellectual, Fri Oct 27 2000 at 15:18:15
Nature of contribution: Important rules to remember when meeting new people.
People contributing: Including but not limited to Everythingites Pseudo_Intellectual, Sparky, Jeeves, Yam, Icicle, Soema, Otnooishphoo, Tristin, and a whole whack of non-Everythinging fireworks co-attendees. Presumably closed. Total: somewhere between a dozen and 25 people. (paraphrased from the write-up)
Number of characters: 5053.
The write-up contributed to by the most people (thing)
by ideath, Sun Apr 15 2001 at 1:21:37
Nature of contribution: A paragraph.
People contributing: Brain, Dialogue, equinoctial, flamingweasel, Girlface, ideath, JasonM, Jeeves, _Kasefrau, LordOmar, nikkaAlas, Ninja-Lad, prole, pseudo_intellectual, pukesick, qousqous, Sarahh, srkorn. Presumably closed. Total: 20.
Number of characters: 9899.
Noder Fragments (thing)
by raincomplex, Mon Dec 29 2008 at 3:29:37
Nature of contribution: A small box containing text.
People contributing: Aerobe, Ancientsnow, Andromache01, Ariloulaleelay, bbot, Bitriot, BookReader, Chras4, Dimview, etouffee, GhettoAardvark, Jet-Poop, locke baron, lucychili, raincomplex, Rapscallion, Serial Number, shaogo, Simulacron3, Spifficus Rex, tentative, The Custodian, The Debutante, WaldemarExkul, XWiz. Open for contribution. Total: 25.
Number of characters: 6912.
Editor Log: October 2010 (event)
by Aerobe, Mon Oct 04 2010 at 15:22:12
Nature of contribution: A blurb for the main page.
People contributing: Aerobe, BIII, bluerabie, cassparadox, DonJaime, Dr.Jimmy, GhettoAardvark, gnarl, Halspal, Intentions, jessicaj, Jet-Poop, lizardinlaw, MarmaladeSkies, maxClimb, mkb, Morwen, mullakamakalaka, OldMiner, Oolong, raincomplex, sam512, TenMinJoe, waverider37, wertperch. Total: 25.
Number of characters: 4621.
Omegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pie (idea)
by donfreenut, Wed Jun 13 2001 at 19:30:34
Nature of contribution: A line for a poem.
People contributing: ccunning, Chihuahua Grub, dem bones, donfreenut, Evil Catullus, Gritchka, heyoka, jaubertmoniker, jbird, junkpile, mblase, Pseudo_Intellectual, RimRod, Roninspoon, ryano, stand/alone/bitch, Suckapant, Templeton, The Custodian, ThePope, WickerNipple, wonko, WonkoDSane, Xamot, yossarian, zot-fot-piq. Deleted. Total: 26.
Number of characters: 3212.
Why I love Everything2 (personal)
by jessicaj, Thu May 22 2008 at 11:09:25
Nature of contribution: One or more /msgs to jessicaj.
People contributing: Names withheld to protect the guilty. Presumably open for involuntary contribution. Total: 27.
Number of characters: 6535.
Swear words from science fiction (idea)
by Segnbora-t, Sat Apr 15 2000 at 19:56:58
Nature of contribution: A /msg about swear words from science fiction.
People contributing: AndyAnime, Arin, Ashley Pomeroy, ataraxia, auraseer, CamTarn, ^Davion^, Devon_Hart, Duane Dibbley, EGerbil, g026r, gypsyprincessky, Halcyonide, hramyaegr, jerwin, khym chanur, Kizor, Lady_Day, Lathan, locke baron, Major General Panic, Master Villain, Maylith, mkb, Oneiromancer, Oni no Ng, p03, Pseudo_Intellectual, Quizro, randombit, Rikmeister, Rose Thorn, sahib!, sam512, sketerpot, Stavr0, Stride, The Custodian, Timeshredder, TOGoS, TrojanJedi, Uberbanana, uucp, vebelfetzer, wagawoo, WolfKeeper, yam, yitz. Open for contribution. Total: 48.
Number of characters: 16082.
The Everything Poem (idea)
by mauler, Thu Feb 27 2003 at 13:16:05
Nature of contribution: A line for a poem.
People contributing: allseeingeye, Berek, Byzantine, caknuck, C-Dawg, Chiisuta, Chras4, dannye, ^Davion^, dem bones, ElevenFiftyNine, eponymous, etouffee, Footprints, g026r, Gamaliel, golFUR, Heitah, humbabba, inlet, Jack, jaubertmoniker, jrn, just1wheat, kthejoker, LeoDV, lizardinlaw, Lometa, malcster, MALTP, mauler, mw, Nedlum, nocodeforparanoia, nomentatus, oakling, O Boy, Posmella, Protector of Mankind, RoyHoo33, scunner, sekicho, Simulacron3, siren, The Lush, thisfred, Wiccanpiper, wordnerd, wrinkly. Open for contribution. Total: 49.
Number of characters: 5196.
Six Word Story: Cake And Pie! (event)
by GhettoAardvark, Mon Mar 02 2009 at 19:11:25
Nature of contribution: Up to six six-word stories.
People contributing: Albert Herring, alyssa-cruz, anabana, Apollyon, appeler, ArchStanton, artman2003, banjax, bol, cameraworx, C-Dawg, charlie_b, Chras4, clone19, colonelmustard, creases, Croakery, cruxfau, DavidLee!, deeahblita, Demeter, Devon, dichotomyboi, DiscoStan, DonJaime, doyle, drownzsurf, DTal, Eniteris, etouffee, GhettoAardvark, gnarl, golFUR, graceness, grundoon, Hazelnut, ignis_glaciesque, Infinite Burn, jessicaj, joer, just1wheat, kailden, Kensey, Kizor, lee_cad, liveforever, lizardinlaw, lucychili, Matthew, Mnky, Mouesh, mountain boy, Nadine_2, Nora, Oneiromancer, Orange Julius, prole, raincomplex, Rai Tai, Rapscallion, rep_movsd, ringrock, sam512, sangsoo, Scout Finch, Scribe, Senso, Serjeant's Muse, Singing Raven, soren015, Spifficus Rex, tentative, The Custodian, TheDayIsMine, TheLordofPie, tkeiser, tommythecat, Uberbanana, viki_boi, WaldemarExkul, waverider37, wertperch, Ysardo, zoidfarb. Closed April 4, 2009. Total: 84.
Number of characters: 17877.
Thanks to:
— jessicaj for pointing me to her nodes Why I love Everything2 (personal) and Last seen (fiction), and reminding me about She sang of fantastic green islands, and sparkling fish, never telling that she haunted the waters and They shared a love of impermanence, briefly and being so enthusiastic!
— moosemanmoo for pointing me to Omegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pomegranite pie, which reminded me of how-could-I-forget The Everything Poem.
— The Custodian for pointing me to Swear words from science fiction.
— The Debutante for pointing me to Toaster (thing).
The write-up contributed to by the most people (review)
by raincomplex, Sun Apr 05 2009 at 21:11:27
Nature of contribution: A /msg giving nodes with multiple collaborators, or describing additions, suggestions, or corrections to this node.
People contributing: jessicaj, moosemanmoo, raincomplex, The Custodian, The Debutante. Open for contribution. Total: 5.