An account of the matter as by the Persians,
recorded by Herodotus,
a translation by George Rawlinson which I have heavily edited

The Phoenicians who formerly dwelt on the shores of the Erythraean Sea, migrated to the Mediterranean. After settling, they began to adventure on long voyages, loading their vessels with wares from Egypt and Assyria. During these voyages they landed at many places along the coast, and among them was Argos. Argos was one of the dominant members of a group of states later found under the name Hellas. Here they exposed their merchandise, and traded with the natives for five or six days. At the end of their visit, when they had sold nearly everything, a number of women came down to the beach. Among these was the daughter of a king, said to be Io, the child of Inachus. The women were inspecting their purchases by the side of the ship when the Phoenicians rushed forth and seized them. The women were carried upon the ship which shortly thereafter set sail for Egypt. This outrage served to incite a protracted quarrel between the Phoenicians and Persians.