Awaken to someone in the house. Cooking smells. My fever has eased up since last night. Jody has made pancakes and orange juice for breakfast. I am grateful, though I can only eat one or two before getting back in bed. Off to work in the cold and rain. The wind is tunneling through my layers. The office is pleasantly warm, it eases the annoyance of being there. Selena calls and invites me to pie. Travis is there talking about some kind of metaphysical martial art. Today must be treatday. Check some books out at the university library and pass out form exhaustion in the comfy chairs. Drop off a copy of ihtez likes shit so that Molli will have some vile reading material on the plane-ride to thanksgiving with her parents. Presently eating leftover pancakes from the morning. A favorite snack that I keep a secret. Shhh.